Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Update: May 13, 2020

So far, there was one strong earthquake that happened later on yesterday. It was a magnitude 6.6 and it occurred in the Solomon Islands region - one of the places I cautioned yesterday in my post. It still may be an active day today even though there was not that much going on after that. At the same time, it might become relatively quiet. More magnitude 6-7+ are due in parts of the world at any time or any day.
There has been more activity taking place here in Southern California so far. We might be heading into more active times now. These magnitude 3s and 4s have been again, becoming more frequent. There has also been more taking place elsewhere in California. I'm not only growing increasingly concerned about Southern California, but also Central California. I'm not implying that something big might happen here today.
There just might be more serious events upon us. It has been quiet for too long. Although most of these most recent events occurred in the Imperial Valley, more might take place in the L.A. area and Inland Empire and/or even the Yucca Valley and high desert.

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Report: 7.2.23

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