Friday, May 8, 2020

May 8, 2020 - Outlook

There has continued to be more moderate earthquake activity taking place throughout the world so far. Something big could still be imminent at any time. However, it could stretch out into next week. More moderate quakes with a couple of significant quakes(magnitude 6 or upper 5 range) could occur over the course of the next several days. A major event may still happen anytime now. At the same time, that could be it for now. At this point, it may be a drawn out kind of a thing, meaning that there may be continuous activity extending into next week - Including a potential for more serious activity somewhere without quiet gaps in between or leading up to it. That is how it has been so far lately.
So far, it is still hot out there in terms of tectonic activity. There may still be more activity heating up here in Southern California once more. It could become somewhat quiet for a short period this weekend, but there is likely much more to come. There was a 10-hour gap between magnitude 1+ EQs until just now. However, there were lots of micro EQs below magnitude 1 occurring in Southern California. There is still a very high chance for more magnitude 3-4+ quakes here anytime now or this next week so far. There is also more going on in other parts of California so far. I will do my best to refrain from posting in this blog daily. I want to avoid posting in this until Sunday or Monday.
In the meantime, I keep the world posted via Twitter:

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