Saturday, May 16, 2020

Outlook - 5/16/20

So far, it may be staying relatively quiet in the world for right now. It may end up being locked up like this for another day or two before more starts going off. However, a major earthquake could still also hit somewhere anytime now today or tomorrow. There is a very high potential for another large quake, but at the same time it might end up being delayed. It could be rather quiet around the world all weekend and not start up until Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. At the same time, there is still a fairly decent change of more serious activity anytime now.
I also will not be surprised if nothing big happens anywhere at all this next week. There is due to be a lot going on out there by the end of this month so far. One of the areas I'm now focusing more of my attention on are the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. There could also possibly be something going on mainland of the State such as the coast and the Kodiak region. Southern Mexico could have something significant going on anytime now. Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean may still be more active.
Again, there is still a very high chance for more activity here in Southern California as well as the Ridgecrest area. There might also be more mag. 3+ imminent in Central California or the Bay area. So far, a lot is likely expected at least by near the end of this month so far. It can always change, but this is the picture I'm getting so far.

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