Saturday, November 30, 2019

EQ WATCH: November 30 - December 6

Yesterday, I was without electricity for 15 hours. I stayed in touch via cell; I was fortunate enough to have access to the internet through my phone. However, there is no rest for the weary. I am on alert again in terms of global activity. The chances of major earthquake activity somewhere in the world has skyrocketed again so far. Any moment now within the next 5-7 days, a big quake could strike again somewhere. Places to watch would include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Talaud Islands, Flores, Molucca, and Banda Sea regions), East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Kermadec Islands, the Samoas, Northern Mariana Islands, Taiwan, Japan, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands(Alaska, U.S.A.), Myanmar(Burma), Afghanistan, possibly Iran, Turkey, Greece, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, and Central America..
There could potentially be something significant going on in Southern China and neighboring regions to the South. There is still potentially a lot going on out there. There may not be a lot of significant activity going on anywhere right now, but it could start up at any moment or sometime within the next day or two so far. It is not guaranteed to happen. This is not earthquake prediction. One cannot place a date and time on an event in a specific location and know for certain it will happen. Even meteorologists do not actually predict the weather. They can forecast it by giving the probability of precipitation on a day, but it does not always happen. It did not mean they were wrong. Weather can change anytime, just as energy inside the earth. So, it can end up subsiding again to where there also may not be any strong to major events in the coming week.
Back home, there is currently very little activity taking place here in Southern California. The last quake of magnitude 1 or above was more than 8 hours ago. There was a magnitude 3.5 on Thanksgiving evening near Boron. Now, the activity has dropped for now. It could still heat back up again today.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Update: November 25-26, 2019

There is now an extremely high chance of major earthquake activity worldwide anytime now or later this week so far. A magnitude 6 or even a 7 or greater could strike somewhere any moment now or sometime this week at this point. Regions that could be of concern in terms of significant earthquake activity include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Talaud Islands region or Halmahera), Flores and Molucca Sea region, New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Mindanao, Luzon, or Negros), Northern Mariana Islands, Japan(Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, or Ryukyu Islands), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands(Alaska), New Zealand, Tonga, the Samoas, Solomon Islands, Andaman Islands region, Central Asia, possibly the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region or Southeastern Europe such as Greece or Albania, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Central America..
There also is still a strong chance of more magnitude 3-4+ in Southern California anytime or day now. It might be becoming increasingly more active here. There still could also be more going on in the Ridgecrest area and other parts of California and the Western U.S.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

EQ WATCH: November 23 - Dec. 1, 2019

There is an extremely high chance of major earthquake activity worldwide. I decided not to do what I did in my previous post. I don't know how large an earthquake might be anywhere in the world. Like I said, a magnitude 5 can suddenly grow into a 7. A magnitude 6 or even a 7 or larger may be imminent somewhere any moment now. Regions to watch out for in terms of significant or major earthquake activity include: New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Santa Cruz Islands, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Talaud Islands), Molucca Sea region, East Timor, Philippines(Mindanao, Negroes, or Luzon), Mariana Islands, Japan(Ryukyu Islands, Kyushu, Hokkaido, Honshu), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Western Iran, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Central America, Aleutian Islands(Alaska)..
There is still a very high chance of more magnitude 3-4+ in Southern California as well as other parts of California. There could potentially be something going on in the Pacific Northwest so far. At the same time, it may not be anything. There is also a possibility of something taking place somewhere in the interior West such as Utah. I'm not necessarily implying that it might be a big event, but at least more activity. The chances of mag. 6-7+ worldwide somewhere anytime now or within the next week are very high. I will be updating via Twitter.

Friday, November 22, 2019

November 22, 2019

I decided to use that other icon(red glow) for whenever there is an increased potential for mag. 6+ worldwide at any moment. The second one is used for whenever there is an increased potential for more significant seismic activity in Southern California. At this point, there may not be a lot going on in the world at the moment, but there is a high chance of more mag. 6+ worldwide within the next week. A large quake could even take place somewhere this weekend or even later today.
My Twitter icon for whenever mag. 6+ may be imminent somewhere worldwide

I'm carefully taking this to the next level. I will attempt to determine which regions in the world may most likely experience a large earthquake and places that may have more moderate, yet significant earthquake activity. I cannot be sure where exactly the most energy is coming from and cannot rely entirely on the most recent data. There are places that have been having a lot of activity going on lately, but that does not necessarily mean a larger event might be imminent in those regions.
My Twitter icon whenever there is a higher potential
for more significant quake activity in Southern California

There is a high chance of more mag. 6+ any day now in the world. It could delay to next week or it could occur today or tomorrow. Regions that may be having moderate to strong or major earthquakes include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Talaud Islands, Philippines, Central Asia(Western China, Tajikistan, Afghanistan), Iran, Myanmar(Burma), Andaman Islands region, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Santa Cruz Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, New Zealand(South and/or North Island), Chile, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Central America, Southern, Central, or Northern Alaska or potentially Yukon Territory, Aleutian Islands, Kanchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands, Japan, Northern Mariana Islands..
Again, I'm just experimenting with this. This might not be a great idea. Things can go from 0 to 90 in an instant. A magnitude 5.0 can suddenly slip up to a magnitude 6 or 7. The places highlighted in red are active regions that could be potential candidates for the next set of mag. 6+ and the regions highlighted in orange may be candidates for the next set of mag. 5+. I also could have mentioned the Pacific Northwest coast as a candidate for the next set of mag. 5+. There could be more taking place there at any time or day, but there also might not.
There may not be a lot of activity taking place in Southern California right now, but there is still a decent chance of more magnitude 3+ anytime or day now. There still may also be more taking place in the Ridgecrest area as well as other areas of California.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My Plan

I have come to find that every soul fiber of my being belongs to the tectonic forces. I have subjected myself to be something of a puppet as to whatever is going on, whether it be local activity stirring up or big earthquakes all over the world. I have had this going on for a long time. I sealed my fate after my very first trip to California 10 years ago. Every opportunity I have, I will make it known whenever there may be something going on somewhere. I will attempt to sharpen this to where I will try to pinpoint where and attempt to determine when it will likely become more active.
I have been wishing to dedicate as much of my time to this as I possibly can in order to make a difference and even somehow saving lives. If I were multilingual, it would be ideal for I can try communicating through social media to other quake-prone regions, giving them a possible heads- up. I must make it clear that this is a complex, complicated system. I have to distinguish potential significant earthquake activity worldwide from minor local activity here in Southern California. While it may seem overall quiet, it could suddenly become very active somewhere. I normally do not include oceanic ridges for they would be in remote locations and less likely to generate tsunamis, therefor not likely a threat to life and property.
I plan to do some self experimentation. I plan to take notes. I will also be reviewing the difference I have felt in various locations with different compositions of the earth in said locations. When I was living in Florida and would visit Tennessee, I would feel somewhat significantly different for the soil in Tennessee was more firm and composed of a lot of limestone. Florida was composed mostly of loose sand with high water tables. It made me feel somewhat vulnerable and sensitive for energy from faraway quakes would be amplified. Living on a plate boundary here in Southern California causes me to at times feel more aggressive and hot.
Whenever there is more seismic activity increasing or on the verge of increasing, I become more tender. So I may do some things that could test my pain tolerance(nothing harmful or dangerous of course), where I can compare results. I am again, going to dedicate myself to this as much as possible. It could help people be aware ahead of a potentially dangerous event. I have been wanting to do this for a long time.

Update: November 19, 2019

At this point, while more strong earthquake activity somewhere in the world is still of a high potential, there also might not be much taking place for now. There also may not be anymore large earthquake activity going on anywhere this week or perhaps not until 2 weeks from now. I also want to use my alert mode icon more sparingly. I would hate to have it switched on more often than I'm aware of. Earthquakes can happen at any time and nobody can determine exactly when and where the next one will hit and guarantee that it happens at that given date and time in a specific location.
I also decided not to use that other icon for when it becomes more significantly active here in Southern California. I will abandon that action for it is too complicated and can cause confusion and I have to still be connected to what else may be taking place elsewhere in the world. At this point, the next set of strong earthquake activity may delay up to 2-3 weeks. At the same time, it could still act up today. Regions that may be of concern include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Flores and Banda Seas, Halmahera, Talaud Islands, and/or Sulawesi), East Timor, Philippines(Mindanao, Luzon), Japan(Ryukyu Islands, Bonin Islands, Izu Islands, Honshu), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Andaman Islands, Central Asia(the Himalayas, or Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan), Northwestern Iran and Azerbaijan(or possibly Eastern Turkey), potentially the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region, New Guinea or Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji, South Sandwich Islands, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Central America...
At this point, there still may be more activity increasing in Southern California as well as other parts of the state anytime now or within the next week or two. I will be updating via Twitter or perhaps even make a new post if something changes.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

November 16-17, 2019

There is still a very high chance for more large earthquakes somewhere in the world anytime within the next 5 days at this point. There also may not be that much taking place this week, but there is still a strong chance sustaining. Regions that may be under the gun in terms of significant and/or large earthquake activity include: Central Asia(Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Pakistan), Myanmar, Andaman Islands region, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sulawesi, Halmahera, Talaud Islands), New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Tonga, Fiji, Philippines, Northern Mariana Islands, Japan(Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Ryukyu Islands), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, possibly Iceland, possibly Western Turkey, Chile, Peru, Central America..
The seismic activity in Southern California has dropped dramatically over the last 2 days. Earlier in the week, there were over 100 quakes in a day and now it is down to just 19. It could spike back up this week, but at the same time it could remain relatively quiet for now. It is possible the region may be becoming increasingly unstable. I will be monitoring this area closely to find out if it continues to fluctuate significantly or more attention-grabbing activity takes place. There may also be more taking place with the Ridgecrest sequence.

Monday, November 11, 2019

EQ WATCH: November 11/12 - 20, 2019

The chances of major earthquake activity worldwide anytime now or within the next week are extremely high. A major quake is due to take place somewhere at any moment or any day. Places that may be under the threat of significant or major quake activity include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, or the Halmahera region), East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Solomon and Santa Cruz Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, possibly New Zealand, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Central America, Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Kuril Islands, Andaman Islands region, Myanmar, China, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Turkey and/or Greece...
There have not been any 7 or higher magnitude quakes in several months. The world is due for a lot more strong activity by now. It could start up anytime now or next week. There is still more seismic activity heating up in Southern California. The magnitudes could start increasing here anytime or within the next week or two so far. 
There is an extremely high chance of magnitude 4+ in Southern CA anytime or day now. There also could be more activity taking place elsewhere in California.

Monday, November 4, 2019


Two strong earthquakes have struck Chile and the Tonga region. There is a very high chance of major earthquake activity somewhere anytime now or within the next week. There could be a lot of dangerous activity taking place somewhere at anytime. Regions that may be under the gun include: Japan, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines, Indonesia, Andaman Islands region, Myanmar, Western China, the Hindu Kush region, Iran, Turkey or Greece, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Loyalty Islands, Chile, Argentina Peru, Central America, and/or the Aleutian Islands.
There is due to be a magnitude 7 or greater somewhere at any time. There may or may not be more magnitude 3 or bigger in Southern California at any time. There could also be more activity taking place elsewhere in California and/or other parts of the West. There has also been some activity taking place in the Central and Eastern portion of the U.S.

Report: 7.2.23

  A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...