Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Longterm Forecast: May 2022

 There was a brief bump in activity, but there has not been anything else going on at all lately. I regretted deleting that post because it does look like May is indeed starting out quiet so far. It does not look like it is growing any more active today either so far. At the same time, it can still change in an instant. At this point, it looks like it will become more significantly active out there closer to the middle of the month. It could be as soon as this weekend. At this point, the global earthquake activity might peak anywhere from the 11th to the 16th. There is still a potential for something significant to happen somewhere any day now. It could also become heavily active towards the end of the month. A particularly large earthquake could strike somewhere within the next 2 weeks at this point. It still feels unstable. A major earthquake could even happen tomorrow. It can even change and suddenly become active within a few hours. At the same time, it might be staying quiet today. The Eastern Mediterranean - Greece, Western Turkey, and maybe even Italy are areas that could be on the verge of becoming active. There has been more activity occurring over there lately. I would not rule that region out as a candidate for the next large earthquake out there. After all, there was a significant earthquake in the neighboring Bosnia fairly recently.

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