Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year's Day Outlook


So far, the new year is starting out quiet in terms of global earthquake activity. There had already been a lot of significant earthquake activity in the world over the past couple of weeks. It might be finally remaining generally quiet for now. At the same time, there is a chance that can change on a dime. I will be ready to jump right on it if something changes where there could potentially be something serious going on somewhere in the world. There may possibly be some seismic activity occurring in parts of the Central and/or Eastern United States anytime now this week. There has been some signs of some more activity going on in certain areas. When it comes to worldwide earthquake activity, it is staying generally quiet for now. Again, that still might change where something big could suddenly strike somewhere. It is even possible I could end up making a new post today or tomorrow. It feels a bit unstable. However, it also may not be very much and may not have to execute a watch this week. I'm still being very aware. As much as it may remain quiet for now, it could suddenly start getting busy again.

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