So far, the death toll has risen to more than 3,800. All day, I have been seeing disturbing footage of buildings collapsing everywhere and rescue efforts unfolding. To make it all the more heartbreaking, it is freezing with snow on the ground there. These events do not happen very often. This has prompted me to take it up to the next level in seriousness. I know that I have had a little too much fun on Twitter with the cute and saccharine content, but I have to be more serious now. I know that I cannot be monkeying around all the time, but in order to be taken more seriously, I have to tweet and share things more related to what I cover than kittens and flowers. Even when there is nothing going on, I cannot allow my weaknesses to take over. I'm afraid people will not take me seriously at all when I have too many cute and soft things going on. I definitely do not want to come across as the type who would sugarcoat a bad situation unfolding. I definitely did not make light of this earthquake and wanted to get as much information out as possible. I also need to treat each time I issue a world earthquake watch as something more critical. There is no way of knowing where exactly the next large earthquake will strike. I cannot always rely on areas that have most recently been showing signs of being more active. It can often time be a region that may not have been active just now, but a week or two ago that ends up having a major earthquake. I should also be more consistent on having people out there aware in case their area gets hit. I know I'm just one person and not everyone has a Twitter account or pays attention to earthquake activity in their region. It is still useful as there are still people out there who see it. There are these weather experts who do livestream coverage on Youtube. Unfortunately, after they would urge people to move to safety, people would still die. However, it still makes a difference. Information can spread and it can lower the risk of people getting killed. At least somebody has got to do the job.https://twitter.com/SeismicFox1