Wednesday, September 30, 2020
EQ WATCH: 9/30-10/7/20
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Outlook: 9/29/20
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Update: September 26, 2020
A magnitude 6.0 occurred near the Prince Edwards Islands area, Southwest of South Africa today. There is a very high chance for more strong quakes in the world anytime now, but at the same time, there may not be much else going on just yet. Regions that may be under the gun include: the Kuril Islands region, Kamchatka Peninsula, Japan(Hokkaido or Honshu), the Northern Mariana Islands region, Indonesia(Babar Islands region, Molucca Sea region), East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Solomon Islands, the Hindu Kush or Himalayas region or the Turkmenistan region, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region... There may likely be more mag. 4+ taking place in Southern Alaska such as the Peninsula region or the Aleutian Islands. There continues to be more seismic activity heating up in Southern California.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Update: Sept. 25, 2020
There has been a few moderate size events out there, but there still has not been very much going on yet. There should be more strong earthquake activity going on any time now or any day within the next 5 or 6 days at this point. A strong earthquake within that window is highly likely. It just may or may not act up much today. It could in fact become incredibly quiet at first. However, there is a very high potential for magnitude 6 or greater earthquakes somewhere worldwide. The Greece region has been looking concerning lately. It has been showing signs of acting up significantly there most recently, over the last 2 days. The activity in Southern California has decreased, but there is still a lot due within the week ahead so far. Alaska may have some more significant activity going on, especially in the Aleutian Islands or the Southwest corner. There may be some volcanic activity going on there.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
New EQ Watch: 9/24-29/20
Friday, September 18, 2020
Update: 9/18/20
A magnitude 6.8 earthquake just occurred in the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge. I suspected the next large quake would occur in an innocuous part of the world. There has recently been more earthquakes occurring along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which is a divergent plate boundary. However, there is still a strong chance of mag. 6-7+ elsewhere worldwide anytime now and the next big one could strike somewhere where it could be a much more dangerous situation. It could be any time now or it could be next week at this point. So far, there is still a very high potential for serious seismic activity somewhere in the world. Places that could be hit include: Central Asia(Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, or Xizang), Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Japan, Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands, Greece, or Central America.. There may or may not be more activity going on in Southern California right now just yet. However, there is an extremely high chance of mag. 4 or greater any day now. There is due to once again be much more to come. At this point, there is a very high chance of major earthquake activity going on somewhere in the world any time now, but it could also die back down again.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Sept. 17, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Update: Sept. 15, 2020
A magnitude 6.4 struck Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula about 8-9 hours ago. Less than an hour later, a magnitude 6.1 tremor struck the Fiji region. There is a raised potential for more magnitude 6 or greater out there in the world any moment or day now. However, it may also become quiet again for now and there not be anymore significant events for a couple more days. The seismic activity may also be increasing some more today in Southern California. There was not very much going on overnight, but there should be more going on this week. There are also signs of more activity increasing the the Ridgecrest area so far. In terms of earthquakes around the world, there is a high chance of mag. 7+ somewhere any time or day now. At the same time, there may not be one at all for now, but it may be becoming more active out there again any time or day now. It could be within a week or two weeks at this point.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Update: Sept. 14, 2020
There has been a lot of moderate sized earthquakes occurring worldwide. However, there may or may not be anything of magnitude 6 and above going on yet. There is still a very high chance of large earthquakes somewhere out there any time now. It could happen today or later this week. It may also become quiet again at first. Yesterday, a moderate and shallow quake struck Sulawesi(Indonesia) and it caused some considerable damage and injuries. There is still a very high risk of large earthquake activity somewhere out there any time or day now. It could become quiet again for now, but there is likely to be more mag. 6+ out there within the next 5 days. There also is due to be more mag. 3-4+ in Southern California. There has not been much activity going on here for a while. It was extremely quiet all week last week. Places around the world that should be watched out for would include: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands region, Tonga, Kermadec Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Ryukyu Islands(Japan), Philippines, Japan(Hokkaido or Honshu), Kamchatka peninsula, Alaska(Southern AK or the Aleutian Islands), possibly parts of the Caribbean, Bolivia, or possibly the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region...
Saturday, September 12, 2020
New EQ Watch: Sept. 13 - 23, 2020
Friday, September 11, 2020
Update: Sept. 11, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Update: Sept. 9, 2020
Monday, September 7, 2020
Second Update: 9/7/20
Update: Sept. 7, 2020
Sunday, September 6, 2020
NEW WATCH: Sept. 6-11, 2020
Update: September 6, 2020
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Update: September 5, 2020
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Update: September 3, 2020
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Outlook for Southern California
The activity in Southern California has decreased significantly over the past day. I woke up to dead quiet out here. It could remain like this all day or it could suddenly start back up again later on. There should be a lot more going on within the next few weeks. It should start becoming more and more active with more frequent mag. 3s and 4s with a greater possibility for stronger events. This may also include the Ridgecrest area. More activity could rise again in the Eastern California Shear Zone and the Tehachapi Mountains within the next couple of weeks or sooner. At this point, it should not stay very quiet much longer here. More activity might start increasing again any day now. It could remain like this for another day or two, but it should start increasing again later on today or tomorrow. There is always a high chance of a magnitude 3+ anytime or day now here. It has become more active out here over the past year. We are only getting closer to when it becomes even more active with stronger earthquakes.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Update: September 1, 2020
Report: 7.2.23
A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...
The significant earthquake activity worldwide is low right now, but that still might change at any time or within the next 5 days so far. Th...
Does anyone here in California ever thoroughly think about when the sh*t hits the fan? I would be watching these big earthquakes strike arou...
So far, there has more of less been much going on in the world in terms of significant EQ activity. There have been more moderate sized ea...