Sunday, August 7, 2022

Update: 8/7/22


Earlier, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred northeast of Hokkaido, Japan in the southern Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. There has been a lot of activity on that part of the world. There is still a very high potential for a large earthquake somewhere out there any time now. I'm particularly concerned about the region between Hokkaido and the Kamchatka Peninsula. Japan has also still been more active lately. There could be a particularly big event coming up. It could be any time now or within a week or two. I'm not saying that mentioned area will be it, but it has been hot lately. The Ryukyu Islands also have the potential to become very active. Other regions to watch include: the Aleutian Islands(Alaska, USA), Indonesia(Sumatra), the Andaman Islands region, Western Turkey, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Peru, and the Southwestern Pacific Ring of Fire.

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