I have been debating on when to issue the next watch. I decided to go ahead and put it into effect even though it is not very active out there right now. So far, it feels like it might heat up any time or day now. So far, there is a very high potential for a magnitude 6 or greater in the world somewhere within the next 5 days. At the same time, it could end up being quiet where I may end up pushing it back later. I did not want to take a chance of going to bed and there suddenly being a large earthquake in the world somewhere and I did not say enough before. It is better safe than sorry. Regions that might be active include: Central America, Tonga, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia(Sulawesi), Philippines, Japan, Kuril Islands, Turkey(Eastern Mediterranean Sea region), Pakistan, Central Asia... A very strong earthquake somewhere is even possible. This may not be a run-of-the-mill little surge in significant activity worldwide coming up. There could potentially be another major earthquake imminent somewhere out there. An earthquake larger than the one in the Philippines cannot be ruled out. At the same time, there may not be anything that big for a while. This may or may not be the active slot where a massive quake occurs in the world where I change my avatar to the extreme alert mode. It feels unstable out there, but there is no telling for sure what will happen within the next few days.