Saturday, September 25, 2021

Update: 9/25/21


Yesterday morning, a magnitude 6.1 occurred in the Aleutian Islands(Alaska, U.S.A.). So far now, there is not much else going on. There may not be anymore significant activity going on in the world for now. At the same time, it can always change later on. It has been an active week. The next active window may be 2 weeks from now. However, another strong earthquake occurring somewhere within the next 7 days still is not out of the question of course. It seems like after there has been some signs of seismic activity going on in the New Madrid Seismic Zone daily for a week or so, there is nothing going on there for days following that. There has not been any signs of activity going on in Eastern TN/Appalachian region in a while. Western Texas has had a lot of activity going on recently.

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