Friday, March 26, 2021

New EQ Watch: 3/26-4/4/2021

The chances of more significant earthquake activity in the world have increased again since late last night. There is now a very high chance of magnitude 6+ somewhere in the world any moment now or sometime within the next week. Regions that may be considered would include: Indonesia(Bali, Kepulauan Barat Daya, Banda Sea, Molucca Sea, Halamahera), Philippines(Mindanao), Northern Mariana Islands, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Andaman Islands region, China(Xizang), Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand(North Island), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, the Caribbean region(Leeward Islands region), Peru, Chile, Argentina.. There may be more going on along the Pacific Northwest Coast up to British Columbia or the Gulf of Alaska. More earthquakes have popped up across parts of the United States, especially in Texas and Oklahoma. There could potentially be more heating up in Idaho, Montana, or Utah. This may also include the Yellowstone area. There could be some more activity warming up in Southern, Central, or Northern California this weekend or next week. There could also be more seismic activity occurring in the Central or Eastern United States in the coming days or weeks. 

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Report: 7.2.23

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