Wednesday, April 22, 2020

EQ WATCH: April 22-May 1, 2020

The chances of magnitude 6-7+ worldwide any moment or day now have spiked again. An earthquake of at least magnitude 6 somewhere any moment now or by Friday is extremely likely so far. There is a very high chance of a magnitude 7 or greater at least by the end of this month or early into next month. So far, that is where it stands.
Regions that might be candidates for the next large earthquake include: the Ryukyu Islands region(Japan), Taiwan, Japan(Honshu or Hokkaido), Kuril Islands, Aleutian Islands(Alaska, U.S.A.), Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines(Batan or Babuyan Islands or Mindanao), Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Talaud Islands, Tanimbar Islands, Molucca Sea, Flores Sea, or Banda Sea region), Andaman Islands, Myanmar, China(Xizang), Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Northern India, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Central America, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands..
That sounds like practically everywhere, so I will try to narrow it down. Regions I have been monitoring the most recently are the Ryukyu Islands, the Timor Trench region, the Molucca Sea region, Central America, Central Asia(Including the Xizang province of China), the Northern Mariana Islands, and Chile(or Peru or Argentina). So far, there is an extremely high chance of a major earthquake anytime now or within the next week. There is still a very high potential for more mag. 3+ in Southern California anytime or day now.
There may also be more taking place in other parts of California and the West such as Idaho and Utah. There is a very high chance of mag. 4+ here in Southern California as well as the Searles Valley this week or next week. There may also be something potentially significant going on up in Alaska or Canada(Yukon Territory or British Columbia) anytime or day now. At the same time, it may not be anything at all.

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Report: 7.2.23

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