Friday, January 8, 2021

Outlook for Southern California: 1/8/21

 At this point, I don't want to title this as a forecast in terms of seismic activity in Southern California. I'm afraid that would be a bit too bold and I don't want to unwittingly alarm people. Right now, there may be little taking place here for now. There is, however, a decent chance a lot could flare up today or this weekend. It also may not really increase until next week at the same time(mag. 3-4+). At this point, it could be staying quiet for right now/this morning. There is a high chance of a lot more going on by next week if it does not heat up this weekend. It feels like we are slowly getting closer to a more active period for the first time. At the same time, it feels like I have been repeating myself over the past two years. It would start showing signs of becoming a lot more active, but then there would be periods of very little activity where it would feel like there is never going to be a big earthquake out here. There is no way of telling when exactly the day will come. At times, it can feel like it is right around the corner. Other times, it feels like it may not be anytime soon. It has been a pushing and pulling. There is a high chance of mag. 3-4+ today, this weekend, or next week. There is little taking place right now, but there is due to be a lot more going on any day now. I will keep up with whatever is going on via Twitter. I always share the link to my Twitter account at the end of these posts. I will be working today. I will tweet whenever I have the chance if something changes later on.

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