Monday, December 14, 2020

Outlook: Dec. 14, 2020

 There continues to be little going on in Southern California. There were signs of more activity heating up last night, but it went completely quiet again. The count has remained below 30 since yesterday. It could still act up today, but at the same time I will not be surprised if there continues to be nothing happening out here all day. It should not remain devoid of event much longer, though. Within the next 5 days, there should be a lot more going on. There has not been a mag. 4 out here in over 2 months. There is also due to be more large earthquakes occurring in parts of the world. It has not been active enough anywhere. It may or may not become active worldwide today. There is even a particularly large earthquake due somewhere any time or day now. There is of course a chance it could become active today, however, there may be little going on over the next few days. It should not stay like this much longer. Again, there is a decent chance it could change dramatically later on today. Same goes for Southern California. At this point, a lot is expected by next week. Especially if it continues to stay quiet all this week, then there will likely be a lot of significant activity in the world by next week. A major earthquake is due to strike somewhere any day now. There is a lot of activity due to take place in Southern and Central California within the next several days.

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