Tuesday, December 15, 2020

New EQ Watch: 12/15-22, 2020


The potential for more serious earthquake activity in the world is extremely high again so far. If it does not act up significantly anywhere today, there is likely to be a strong earthquake or two within the next 5-7 days. There is even due to be a magnitude 7 or greater somewhere. Regions to watch may include: Central America, possibly the Caribbean or Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand(North or South Island), Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Luzon), Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulewesi, or the Tanimbar Islands region), East Timor, Northern Mariana Islands, Eastern Turkey, Northern Iran, Japan, Southern Alaska or the Gulf of Alaska region.. There has been more activity occurring in the Western United States. There may also be more taking place in California. Southern California is due for mag. 4+ quakes and there may be more activity occurring in Central and/or Northern California.


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