Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Update: 12/29/20
Monday, December 28, 2020
Update: 12/28/20
Friday, December 25, 2020
Update: Dec. 25, 2020
There continues to be a high chance of large earthquakes worldwide anytime or day now. A magnitude 6.3 occurred in the Philippines yesterday, but it was not strong enough to generate a tsunami. There were no immediate reports of damage from said quake. There is still a very high chance for major earthquake activity worldwide any time now. There is an extremely high chance of more strong EQ activity within the next 5 days. More mag. 6 or greater is highly likely anytime now to the 27th-30th at this point. Those dates may be where the global activity is at its peak. However, a lot may take place today. There is also more activity heating up in Southern California so far. A magnitude 4 or greater is of an extremely high chance any time or day now. I will be posting updates via Twitter whenever I have a chance.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Forecast: Dec. 24 - 31, 2020
So far, there has been more or less going on in terms of significant activity around the world. A magnitude 5.9 struck the Palau region yesterday. There has yet to be much more going on out there in the world. There is a very high chance of magnitude 6 or greater today and this week. If it stays relatively quiet all day, then a lot more is expected within the next week with a strong chance of a magnitude 7 or greater somewhere by New Year's at this point. The last major earthquake(magnitude 7+) happened at the end of October and there is on average one magnitude 7 per month and we have skipped a few months this year. There is on average one magnitude 8 per year worldwide and there has still not been a great earthquake anywhere yet this year. 2020 could very well finish off with a lot of serious earthquake activity worldwide. At this point, if it does not become active today or tomorrow, then it may likely act up by the 26th, 27-30th somewhere at this point. Regions that could be under the gun would include: Palau, Papua New Guinea, Northern Mariana Islands, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, the Banda Sea region, or Halmahera), Philippines(Mindanao or Luzon), Myanmar, Afghanistan or Pakistan, Iran or Turkey, Greece, Italy(Sicily region), Tonga, Fiji, Chile, Peru, Central America, Aleutian Islands or Southern Alaska.. There may now be new concerns of it becoming more active all over California and Nevada. This whole region may be heading into an active period. There have slowly, yet surely been more earthquakes occurring over the past year. It could possibly become active near Sacramento and work on down through Central California into Southern California. This could take place within a course of weeks to months. Something more significant could possibly be upon us much sooner, like any day now. Nothing is guaranteed. I will be updating as we go along. I will be on Twitter.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Outlook for Southern California: Dec. 2020
There may have been more signs of it becoming more active out here over the past several days, however, there is currently nothing going on here right now. There was a magnitude 2.6 near Ridgecrest about an hour ago, but there has not been any signs of movement from the Tehachapi Mountains to the Salton Sea for over 2 hours. It looks less than impressive here right now. There is a chance it could heat up later today with more magnitude 3-4+ on the rise, however, I will not be surprised if it stays quiet. There is likely to be a lot more going on by New Year's here. There is still a higher potential for something more significant within the next 2 weeks. There still could be much more going on by tomorrow, this weekend, or perhaps later today. At this point, it may be another 2-3 hours before more activity starts warming up as of 5:48 this morning. Again, I will not be surprised if there is little going on all morning or even all day. There is again due to be mag. 4+ out here at least any day now. Things are tight at my job now as we are in the midst of a major COVID-19 outbreak, but I will provide updates via Twitter on the activity whenever I have a chance if there is more going on.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Updated EQ Watch: 12/22-30/20
Sunday, December 20, 2020
EQ Watch: 12/20-26/20
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Update: 12/16/20
Yesterday, a magnitude 6.1 struck just off the Southern coast of Mindanao in the Philippines. There were no immediate reports of injuries or deaths. There continues to be heightened levels of activity in the world. There is still a very high potential for a larger earthquake somewhere out there. Places like Central America, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Babar region, or Tanimbar Islands), East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Central America, Japan, the Northern Mariana Islands, and/or the Aleutian Islands are potential candidates for the next strong earthquake. Closer to home, the activity in Southern California went back down again overnight. However, there may be some more warming up again just now. It has not been active enough here lately and there is due to be a lot more going on at least any day now. There may also be more taking place up near Ridgecrest as well as other areas of California.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
New EQ Watch: 12/15-22, 2020
The potential for more serious earthquake activity in the world is extremely high again so far. If it does not act up significantly anywhere today, there is likely to be a strong earthquake or two within the next 5-7 days. There is even due to be a magnitude 7 or greater somewhere. Regions to watch may include: Central America, possibly the Caribbean or Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand(North or South Island), Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Luzon), Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulewesi, or the Tanimbar Islands region), East Timor, Northern Mariana Islands, Eastern Turkey, Northern Iran, Japan, Southern Alaska or the Gulf of Alaska region.. There has been more activity occurring in the Western United States. There may also be more taking place in California. Southern California is due for mag. 4+ quakes and there may be more activity occurring in Central and/or Northern California.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Outlook: Dec. 14, 2020
There continues to be little going on in Southern California. There were signs of more activity heating up last night, but it went completely quiet again. The count has remained below 30 since yesterday. It could still act up today, but at the same time I will not be surprised if there continues to be nothing happening out here all day. It should not remain devoid of event much longer, though. Within the next 5 days, there should be a lot more going on. There has not been a mag. 4 out here in over 2 months. There is also due to be more large earthquakes occurring in parts of the world. It has not been active enough anywhere. It may or may not become active worldwide today. There is even a particularly large earthquake due somewhere any time or day now. There is of course a chance it could become active today, however, there may be little going on over the next few days. It should not stay like this much longer. Again, there is a decent chance it could change dramatically later on today. Same goes for Southern California. At this point, a lot is expected by next week. Especially if it continues to stay quiet all this week, then there will likely be a lot of significant activity in the world by next week. A major earthquake is due to strike somewhere any day now. There is a lot of activity due to take place in Southern and Central California within the next several days.
Friday, December 11, 2020
Update: 12/11/20
A magnitude 6.1 struck off Taiwan on Thursday. While the residents in the capital Taipei reported buildings violently shaking, there were no immediate reports of damage. There has been more moderate earthquakes occurring out there. I'm not sure what may be in store for today, but there may not be very much going on right now. There is still a very strong chance of a major earthquake within the week ahead at this point. It has been generally quiet for a long time. The rate of activity still has not changed in Southern California since yesterday. At this point, it may be showing no signs of heating up, however, it could still change later on. This should not be going on for days and days like it did last month.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Updated EQ Watch: 12/9-17/20
There is still a very high chance for major earthquake activity somewhere in the world. There may have been more activity taking place, but there still has not been anything particularly significant yet. I extended the watch window into next week. It may or may not be an active day today. I was somewhat doubtful when I made yesterday morning's post. I did not feel that there was anything big going on anywhere just yet. However, it should not be long. Places to look out for may include: Tonga, Vanuatu, the Kermadec Islands region, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Central America, Colombia, the Aleutian Islands(Near Islands), the Kuril Islands region, Japan(Honshu or Hokkaido), Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines(Mindanao or Luzon), East Timor, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Banda Sea region, or Sulawesi), Andaman Islands region, Myanmar, the Hindu Kush region, or Iran.. There have also been signs of more activity increasing here in Southern California so far. We have been due for more significant activity. There is also activity occurring in other parts of the Western U.S. There may also be more going on there. At this point, there should be a large earthquake taking place somewhere this week if it does not act up much today. There is a high potential for a particularly powerful quake within the next week somewhere. It could happen today or tomorrow or perhaps one week from now. There is a very high chance of a major earthquake within the next week at this point. There also should be more going on in Southern California any time or day now.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Update: Dec. 8, 2020
So far, there has been a lot of moderate earthquakes occurring in parts of the world over the last day or two. There still has not been a magnitude 6 or bigger anywhere yet. It does look like it has been becoming increasingly active out there. There is due to be a major quake somewhere any time or day now. Places that could be under the gun would include: the Philippines(Luzon, Mindanao), Indonesia, East Timor, Myanmar, Iran, Northern Mariana Islands, Colombia, Central America, Aleutian Islands, Chile, Peru, or Argentina.. There was more activity increasing in Southern California, however, it seemed to have discontinued overnight. However, there is still a very high chance of more taking place anytime or day now. We are still due for more mag. 4+. There has not been one earthquake of magnitude 4 and up in more than 2 months now. Although there is due to be more serious quake activity taking place in the world, it could end up becoming quiet again over the next day or two before it acts up. At the same time, there should be a lot more going on out there by now. There should also still be much more going on in Southern California at least any day now.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
NEW EQ WATCH: Dec. 6-12, 2020
There is now an extremely high chance of major earthquake activity going on somewhere any time now within the week ahead so far. There could be a particularly large event imminent somewhere anytime or any day now. Areas that may be under watch when it comes to potentially strong earthquakes include: the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Vanuatu, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia(Sumatra, Sulawesi, or Java), Solomon Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines(Mindanao, Luzon, or the Batan Islands region), Japan, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, or Afghanistan.. There is also the possibility of something going on in the Mediterranean region such as Italy or the Aegean Sea region. More activity has been flaring up in Southern California over the last several days. There could be a lot more coming up within the week ahead or next two weeks at this point. There has also been activity occurring in other parts of California. There may also be something more significant taking place in Southern Alaska or the Gulf of Alaska.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
December 2, 2020
There were a couple of more strong earthquakes in the world yesterday. A magnitude 6.4 occurred along the Fox Islands and there was also a magnitude 6.2 in the Balleny Islands region. It is still active out there. There is still a very high potential for more large earthquake activity somewhere in the world this week. There may also be more activity continuing in Southern California and other parts of California. There has yet to be more magnitude 4 or greater events here. It should become active here very soon. It may be any day.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Update: December 1, 2020
The activity levels around the world may not look super heated right now, but there were a couple of magnitude 6+ events that occurred yesterday. I was at work then. They each happened 25 seconds apart. There was a magnitude 6.4 in the Strait of Tartar near the Eastern Coast of Russia and a magnitude 6.3 in Jujuy, Argentina. There have been no news reports of said quakes causing damage or injuries in either places. There is still an extremely high potential for more strong earthquakes in the world any time or day now. There is also a chance a magnitude 7 or greater could occur somewhere out there this week, possibly today. At the same time, it could end up becoming relatively quiet again. The regions that could be the next potential candidates for the next significant events would include: Central Asia(Kyrgyzstan, Western China, the Hindu Kush region or Myanmar or Northern India), Indonesia(Sumatra, Halmahera, Sulawesi, or the Banda Sea region), East Timor, Philippines(Mindanao or Luzon), Papua New Guinea, Northern Mariana Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Kermadec Islands region, Japan(Hokkaido or Honshu), Kuril Islands region, Aleutian Islands, Central America, Peru, Chile, or Argentina.. More activity is heating up once more in Southern California. There is again still due to be magnitude 4+ here anytime or day now. There may also be more activity heating up again in the Ridgecrest area and possibly parts of Central and/or Northern California.
Report: 7.2.23
A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...
The significant earthquake activity worldwide is low right now, but that still might change at any time or within the next 5 days so far. Th...
Does anyone here in California ever thoroughly think about when the sh*t hits the fan? I would be watching these big earthquakes strike arou...
So far, there has more of less been much going on in the world in terms of significant EQ activity. There have been more moderate sized ea...