Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 11, 2020

 I know I change it a lot, but I finally figured how to make this system simpler. My avatar on Twitter has a background that is green that switches to red with one exclamation point whenever the potential for more strong earthquake activity in the world is heightened or whenever there is some more activity taking place in Southern California(mag. 3+). I will use the red highlighted avatar with 2 exclamation points whenever there is or may be more mag. 4+ taking place in Southern California. As far as more large earthquake activity in the world is concerned, there has been little going on out there. There was recently a lot of significant activity the previous week and now, it is resting. However, there could be something significant going on somewhere again later this week or it could remain very quiet out there all week. The swarm in the Salton Sea area has started declining fast this morning. There still may be more to come later, but right now, there is not much else interesting going on anywhere. I may provide an update later on what might be going on. As of right now, it is overall extremely quiet out there in the world and the activity in Southern California has started decreasing. I will stick with this system where it will not be so confusing. Just making it redder is the way to go.

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Report: 7.2.23

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