Thursday, March 30, 2023

Report: 3.30.23


Earlier, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the coast of Maule, Chile. So far, there have been no reports of damage or injuries following said earthquake. So far, there is not a whole lot going on elsewhere, but there is still a very high potential for more strong earthquake activity somewhere out there within the next few days. I'm still paying attention to the Mediterranean Sea region and parts of southern Europe. I'm also watching other active areas such as Japan, Alaska, Indonesia, Central Asia, and the Philippines. There has also been a swarm taking place in the Yellowstone National Park area. There were 60 small earthquakes recorded in 12 hours. There have also been some signs of more activity taking place in the eastern portion of the United States. A magnitude 2.1 occurred in eastern Tennessee late last night. A few other small earthquakes have been recorded in and around the New Madrid Fault system over the last several days.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Report: 3.28.23


Two magnitude 6+ earthquakes have occurred over the last 24 hours. The first was a magnitude 6.1 in the Solomon Islands and later on there was a magnitude 6.0 off the coast of Japan. It was centered offshore between Honshu and Hokkaido. There have not been any reports of damage or injuries. There still may be a lot going on this week. Besides the already active regions, other places to watch may include: Indonesia, Central Asia, Iran, possibly parts of the Mediterranean such as Greece, Italy, or southeastern Europe, Alaska(Aleutian Islands), Chile...

Sunday, March 26, 2023

EQ Watch: 3.27-4.4.23

I will now launch a new watch. It feels like it might be acting up again somewhere any time or day now. A very large earthquake could be due somewhere any day now. At this point, the activity may not be very high yet, but it might start increasing anytime now or within the next day or two so far. Places to watch out for include: the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Chile, Argentina, Iran, or Central America.. At this point, there is no guarantee it will become active again this week, but so far, it might be active again soon. As much as there may be a significant earthquake happening somewhere any time now, I could end up deleting this post. However, it might be heating up again so far.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Outlook: 3.24.23

It looks like it may finally start becoming quiet for now in terms of global seismic activity. There may not be anything serious going on for now as it has been active already. At the same time, that can always change and there could end up being a lot going on again. At this point, if it does stay quiet for now, the next surge in activity might be sometime from the end of this month to April 7th. At the same time, I will not be surprised if there is a long break in large earthquake activity around the world and there isn't anything really significant until around the middle of April. There is no telling for sure what might be happening that far out. It still feels somewhat unstable. It can end up becoming active again in an instant. We don't know. It could be this weekend or even a few hours from now for it to start back up again. I would think we should be due for a break by now, but I will be ready to jump if something else happens.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Report: 3.22.23

More significant activity is underway in the world so far. A magnitude 6.5 struck Juyjuy, Argentina a little while ago and a magnitude 5.9 just now struck Tajikistan. The earthquake in Argentina was rather deep and so I have not heard of reports of damage or injuries with this one. The new magnitude 5.9 was rather shallow and not too far from population centers. The earthquake's epicenter does not have to be right underneath a populated area to cause harm. If the earthquake is strong enough, it can cause damage and injuries from quite a distance. 

Update: 3.22.23

At least 13 deaths have been reported after the earthquake in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan. Nine of the casualties were in Pakistan. The earthquake was felt as far away as New Delhi, India. There continues to be increasing levels of activity taking place worldwide. Shortly after the latest strong earthquake, a magnitude 5.6 struck close to Chile's capital Santiago. Another magnitude 5.6 struck 118 km NE of Miyako, Japan a few hours ago. There is still a very high potential for a major earthquake somewhere. There are concerns about something potentially taking place in Iran or parts of the Mediterranean(such as Greece or Italy or perhaps southeastern Europe). There may not be a lot of activity taking place in the region at the moment but there have recently been more earthquakes going on in those places. So far, Alaska or its Aleutian Islands have been showing signs of becoming more active. The Kuril Islands and northeastern Russia are areas I have also been watching on and off for a while. Japan is a very active part of the world and so far, I have been watching the Ryukyu Islands and Izu Islands as well as the Hokkaido region. I notice that sometimes I may lose a small handful of followers on Twitter. I read that it is not something that is actually your fault and has more to do with the site itself or it at least isn't personal. However, I'm thinking I have not been very consistent lately. I know that I have peddled back and forth on making posts and have been tired from it being active on and off for weeks. I also tend to deviate from my main theme and retweet pictures of nature, flowers, and cute feminine things. While it is okay and in fact healthy to share that content sometimes with all the serious things going on, I want to keep it balanced. Lately, I have been sharing more of that other content than what I normally cover. It can end up looking like I'm goofing around and that can cause loss of credibility. It especially does not look good when I have been going back and forth on whether to post a world earthquake watch or not. It also makes me appear to be a female ditz where I'm easily distracted by soft and pretty things. I can play with that stuff when there is not much going on out there, but other than that, I must be more consistent and keep everyone's attention. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

EQ Watch: 3.21-24.23

I have made a mistake. I did put out an EQ watch twice, but kept deleting it. I have been very indecisive lately. I feel terrible about it. I had trouble because it has been active just about every week over the past month. I was afraid that if I made a post, there would be one strong earthquake and then there would be nothing else going on for a while. It has been very sketchy lately and I was not sure what to do. I guess I should ignore how active it has been already and just go ahead and put it out there. I was aware of how fast things could change. I have some days where I'm not able to get around to making an update as I'm busy cooking and cleaning. In the back of my mind, something was troubling me. I had a feeling that even though there were not loads of activity taking place throughout the world, there was something going on any moment now. Lo and behold, a magnitude 6.5 struck near the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan. It was 187 km deep and I don't see immediate alerts of serious shaking and damage. It also did not appear to strike a populous area, so hopefully this isn't a very devastating event. Hopefully no one died. This is a huge responsibility I have taken. At least I did not announce that I cancelled the watch, but just deleted a post without saying anything because I was not sure. I made tweets last night that it felt like more serious activity was imminent somewhere, but wasn't sure to make a post because it has recently been active already. It apparently is not over. Other areas to watch include: parts of the Mediterranean region(possibly Italy or southeastern Europe), the Aleutian Islands, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, the Loyalty Islands region, the Samoas, Central America... I might always list Japan and Indonesia as well as the southwestern Pacific region as those are the most active places in the world. I think you should always be on guard everyday. I also need to bear in mind that I should post something even if there is not a whole lot going on in the world or it is active somewhere for one day. It is still volatile and there is a very large earthquake due somewhere. It may or may not happen this week. It could be next month or maybe not. On average, there is one magnitude 8 or larger earthquake somewhere in the world per year. Last year, there were no great earthquakes. In fact, there was nothing greater anywhere than magnitude 7.6. Although 2021 had two magnitude 8+ earthquakes, a massive earthquake can still happen any time now.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Report: 3.19.23


A magnitude 6.7 earthquake in Ecuador has killed 15 people while authorities are assessing the damage. Hundreds of people have been injured. There have also been reports of 84 homes destroyed. Northern Peru was also affected. There may not be lots of activity taking place around the world, but there still may be more going on out there. A magnitude 5.4 struck near Anchor Point in southern Alaska. At this point, I don't feel that it will become much more active. There could be a break coming up after this and the next surge in activity may not be until around the end of this month or early next month. However, that does not mean something serious will not happen before then.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Update: 3.16.23

Hours ago, a magnitude 7.0 struck the Kermadec Islands prompting tsunami warnings. The earthquake had an estimated depth of 10 km(6.2 miles). There was no tsunami threat to New Zealand or Australia following the earthquake. I got this information from a report which was 9 hours ago. I could not find anything more recent, but it does not sound like there was damage from the latest major quake. There has been a lot of activity going on in the world over the last week. There were not a lot of big earthquakes, but high levels of moderate activity. That does not mean it will be becoming quiet out there just yet.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Update: 3.14.23


A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the Bismarck Sea 11 hours ago. It was located 145 km north of Lae, Papua New Guinea. It had a focal depth of 221.6 km. I have not heard of any reports of damage or injuries. There still may be a lot going on out there. It may not be a huge outbreak of significant seismic activity in the world, but a magnitude 7 or greater somewhere still cannot be ruled out. Other regions of concern may be: the Kuril Islands, Philippines, Ryukyu Islands, Izu Islands, Indonesia(Sumatra), Myanmar, Afghanistan, Peru, Chile, British Columbia, Tonga, and Fiji..

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Update: Watch Extended

It has not changed since yesterday. While there has not been a magnitude 6 or greater yet, it is still very active in the world. Regions that I'm monitoring include: Sumatra(Indonesia), the Andaman Islands region, Izu Islands, Bonin Islands, and Ryukyu Islands(Japan), Fiji region, the Philippines, the Molucca Sea region(Indonesia), East Timor, Colombia, and parts of Southern Europe(Romania or Italy).. I decided to extend this world EQ watch for another few days. There could even be a particularly big event coming up somewhere. I'm still monitoring everything and will keep the world posted as consistently as possible.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Update: 3.10.23


So far, there are elevated levels of seismic activity in the world. There is a very high potential for a large earthquake somewhere any moment now. Regions to watch may include: Japan(Hokkaido region, Ryukyu, and Bonin Islands), Colombia, Papua New Guinea, the Kuril Islands, parts of the Mediterranean including Italy, Tonga, Fiji, the Kermadec Islands, South Sandwich Islands, Indonesia(Banda Sea region, Sumatra), Andaman Islands region... I don't want to cause unnecessary panic. I'm just monitoring areas that may be showing signs of becoming more active right now. It does not mean a major earthquake will definitely happen. There is just a high potential for something big somewhere any time or day now.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Report: 3.7.23


Earlier a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck the Mindanao region of the Philippines. The quake occurred at around 2 p.m. local time in the southern mountainous province of Davao de Oro. An aftershock of magnitude 5.6 damaged buildings and forced residents to evacuate from their homes. Local authorities have not reported any casualties or significant damage. Another magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck 72 km SSW of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea just a few hours ago. There is still a very high potential for more large earthquakes in the world this week. Indonesia, the southwestern Pacific, Hokkaido Japan, the Kuril Islands, and Central America are among other areas to watch.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

New EQ Watch: 3.5-15.23


It looks like this little break in high earthquake activity around the world might be coming to an end. There was very little going on earlier today, but later on, I felt something change. There was already a magnitude 5.8 west of Macquarie Island just several hours ago. There could even be something particularly big coming up. Places to watch might include: Myanmar, Nicobar and Andaman Islands region(India), Indonesia(Sumatra, Nias region, Banda and/or Molucca Seas), Ryukyu Islands region(Japan), Mariana Islands, Philippines(Mindanao), Japan(Hokkaido), Kuril Islands, Peru, Chile.. There may or may not be a lot going on just yet, but so far, it might be active again this week.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Report: 3.1.23


A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck 108 km NW of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea. This was the second earthquake in 3 days to strike the remote New Britain region. It was at a depth of 582.6 km(362 miles) according to the United States Geological Survey. There have been elevated levels of global seismic activity over the past week. It still may not be slowing down just yet. I edited the watch to last through March 2nd. There still may be more significant activity on the rise out there any time now. There still could be something bigger than the one we just had. Other regions to watch include: the eastern Mediterranean region, China, Central America, Indonesia, the Kuril Islands, and Alaska's Aleutian Islands. There has also been a flare-up of activity in and around Japan over the last several days.

Report: 7.2.23

  A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...