The earthquake near New Caledonia yesterday was finally upgraded to a magnitude 7.0. I had a feeling that would happen. It triggered tsunami warnings for some Pacific Islands, but was later canceled. It struck at 4:44 p.m. local time. So far, I still have not heard of any significant damage or injuries. There may still be an ongoing threat for more strong earthquake activity in the world this week. Other regions to watch may include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi), Ryukyu Islands region, Japan proper, Central America, potentially Central Asia.. Meanwhile some more seismic activity has occurred again across parts of the United States including Nevada and Eastern New Mexico. Some more seismic activity is also warming up in Southern California this morning. The Central and Eastern U.S. has also been having some more seismic activity lately.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Report: 3/30/22
A magnitude 6.9 has struck the New Caledonia region just a couple of hours ago. It was initially reported as a magnitude 6.7, but was upgraded to magnitude 6.9. The quake struck at a depth of just over 6 miles(about 10 km) near Tadine, New Caledonia. However, there was no tsunami warning. No damage or injuries were immediately reported. It still may be active out there. There still could be more significant activity on the rise in the world any time or day now.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
New EQ Watch: 3/29-4/3/22
I know this is somewhat soon, but there may be another strong earthquake or two taking place in the world anytime or day now again. It may be a brief spurt this time and might not drag on like the last one. So far, it is showing signs of becoming active somewhere out there. Yesterday was a very quiet day. I canceled that watch I posted a few days ago. There were more earthquakes occurring with the biggest being mag. 5.7, but it was over after that. Now, it jumped back up. Regions to watch may include: Philippines(Luzon), Japan(Hokkaido or Northern Honshu), Indonesia(Sumatra, Kepulauan Mentawai, Java, Sulawesi, Banda Sea region), Central America(Mexico), Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Kermadec Islands region..
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Update: 3/23-24/22
It is still very active out there. There have been some more notable earthquakes in the world over the past 24 hours , including a magnitude 6.0 in the Vanuatu region. The last report from the earthquake in Taiwan was that a bridge collapsed and there was one reported injury. It feels like it is not wrapping up out there yet. There is even the possibility of an even bigger earthquake than the one in Japan last week. It could be any day now or 2-3 weeks from now. At the same time, it could end up becoming calm in the world again by tomorrow. However, it is still hot out there so far. Regions to watch may include: the Ryukyu Islands region, Indonesia, Tonga, Kermadec Islands, Chile, Argentina, Philippines, Indonesia.. Taiwan could potentially have more going on. A much stronger earthquake in that region anytime or day now cannot be ruled out. There may also still be more earthquake activity going on in Japan. There have also been some more signs of activity across the Central United States. There has also been more noticeable earthquake activity in Alaska today.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Report: 3/22/22
A magnitude 6.6 earthquake has struck Taiwan. The US Geological Survey said that the earthquake's epicenter was located 5 miles(8 km) off the coast near the southeastern city of Taitung. The quake shook buildings in the capital of Taipei which is at the far north of the island. The island's weather bureau said that there have been no immediate reports of damage. No tsunami warning has been issued.
Monday, March 21, 2022
Report: 3/21/22
I apologize that I did not post this sooner, but I have been somewhat busy over the weekend. A magnitude 6.3 struck the Fiji region on Saturday. There were also a couple of earthquakes in the world in the upper magnitude 5 range over the last day. The magnitude 7.3 earthquake that killed 4 in Japan also resulted in the suspension of operations of Toyota and semiconductor suppliers. This was from a few days ago, but it was said that this could last up to 3 weeks. There may not be anymore serious earthquake activity going on in the world for now. It could also change and start back up at some time today, but at the same time, there may not be much else going on worldwide this week.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Watch Extended: 3/18-23/22
There may have already been a mag. 7+ this week, but it may not be over yet. It feels like there still may be more to come, so I'm going to have to extend this watch several more days out. Something even larger somewhere is possible, but there also may not be that much more going on. Japan may not be out of the woods yet. However, there are other regions that may be candidates for the next significant earthquake. Other potentially heated regions may include: Central Asia, Taiwan, the Kamchatka Peninsula or Kuril Islands region, Peru, Chile, Tonga, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea.. There may also be more activity going on in Alaska. Even though there has not been much going on there lately, there could potentially be something going on in the Pacific Northwest Coast region soon. There could possibly be more going on in the Central and Eastern U.S. this coming week or any day now. There has been more activity than usual lately. It can always change. It still may be hot out there, but it can also dip back down to normal again where there is no more significant EQ activity going on in the world. Always remember to drop, cover, and hold on. Do not try to run out of the house or building you are in during an earthquake. You would more likely to be injured by doing so.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Final Update: 3/16/22
I have just found out that there were two people killed in today's earthquake and 94 were injured. Japan may be overall well adapt to significant earthquakes and there may not be widespread death and ruin, but even one death is one too many. It is very unfortunate to find this out at the end of the day. I have an educational blog on earthquakes where I make it fun and playful-looking, but I'm by no means implying that earthquakes are to be messed around with. They can be extremely dangerous, especially in high population centers with buildings and houses that are not up to code. Even in regions that have overall good quality infrastructure, there may be a few that may fail and someone somewhere may get badly hurt or worse. Earthquake-related deaths and injuries are not limited to buildings collapsing onto people. Other common causes of serious injury and death in an earthquake include large and/or heavy objects falling down, falls(especially if it is a long way down or involves an elderly person), being injured by something sharp breaking, and even heart attacks. Some of these can sound like a freak accident. When the 2019 California earthquake occurred, a man was fixing something underneath his car and the seismic waves offset the car jack where the car ended up collapsing onto the victim and killing him. I am very sorry to end this on a bad note. My thoughts are with the loved ones and friends of those who lost their lives in today's event. I will also again say that I am impressed by how people responded and doing everything they could to keep everyone safe and looking out for one another.
Update: 3/16/22
I downloaded this app known as Yurekuru Call which is an earthquake early warning system for Japan. Even though I'm not in Japan right now, I have it not only to prepare myself for when I am there, but I like to monitor the activity from here. I don't know much Japanese yet(I have quite a ways to go, in fact), so I have not noticed this feature until today. I saw a heart and it took me to this feature that shows where it is safe and where there has been damage or an injury. So far, I saw a few reports of damage or injury in and around the Tokyo area and one up in the town of Furukawa in the Miyagi prefecture. According to the United States Geological Survey site, the magnitude 7.3 rang up an orange pager and an intensity rating of VIII. People reported violent shaking in the region. I watched livestream news coverage in Japan and there were videos that showed intense shaking. There were images of items falling off of shelves and filing cabinets. Dishes were flung from cupboards. 2 million people were without power and the extent of damage was unclear. A bullet train also got derailed. Small tsunami waves were reported in two places following the earthquake. Thankfully, there have been no deaths reported. Japan is probably the savviest of all seismically active places in the world. It has a very sophisticated system of early warning and safety measures taken. They don hard hats and everyone is kept updated and assessed throughout the day. Japan experiences earthquakes very frequently. I have noticed in places, even some that are in a hot tectonic plate zone, people are still running out of buildings during an earthquake. I'm not going to call out which countries, but some of these places have to step it up and know that they should not be running.
Report: 3/16/22
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Honshu, Japan. A tsunami warning was issued advising that waves could reach up to 1 meter above normal tidal levels. Initial waves would be expected to reach the shore around midnight local time. A tsunami advisory was made for the Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures following the quake that had a preliminary depth of 60 kilometers(37 miles), according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. Power was out in parts of Tokyo. It may still be active out there. I will be providing more updates throughout the day.
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Report: 3/13/22
Two strong earthquakes just occurred in the world in different regions just several minutes apart. There was a magnitude 6.4 off the western coast of Luzon(Philippines). The next earthquake was a magnitude 6.6 off the coast of Sumatra, north of the Island of Pulau Siberut. Strong shaking was indicated in the Philippines. The Indonesian quake was stronger, but had less of an impact possibly due to a smaller population and significant earthquakes have occurred there a bit more frequently than Luzon in the Philippines. I'm searching for any photos via media and so far I have not seen any reports of damage or injuries from neither one of those regions.
Friday, March 11, 2022
EQ Watch: 3/11-17/22
More seismic activity has started to increase throughout the world today. There may or may not be any significant activity going on anywhere yet, but the potential for more mag. 6 or greater within the next 6-7 days is high again. So far, areas to watch would include: Japan(Honshu, Kyushu, and/or Hokkaido), the Kuril Islands, Indonesia(Sulawesi, New Guinea), Philippines, Tonga, Fiji, Kermadec Islands, Central America.. It may or may not be acting up much out there today, but the potential for more strong earthquakes this weekend or next week is very high again. There may even potentially be a magnitude 7 or greater somewhere out there any time or day now. There has been some more seismic activity taking place in the Central and Eastern U.S. again. More noticeable activity in this part of the U.S. any time or day now cannot be ruled out. There is also more activity occurring in the Western U.S. including Montana and Northern California.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Update: 3/8/22
I'm usually not running this late on posting an update. I will offer no excuse for this no matter what. I apologize for not being fully on track with all of this. There have been a few mag. 6s in the world over the last few days - South Sandwich Islands(an aftershock from last year) and the Fiji region. There were raised levels of activity around the world this week, but it may not be incredibly active out there this week. Although there is a chance of this weekend or next week becoming more active, I will not be surprised if another month goes by without a mag. 7 or greater anywhere. That has happened before. However, I can't rule out the chance that it could become more active again later today or tomorrow.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Update: 3/3/22
So far, there are still signs of a lot of activity in the world. There have been more moderate earthquakes occurring today. Within the week ahead, a major earthquake(mag. 7 or greater) might be imminent somewhere. Regions to watch include: Southern Mexico or Central America, Chile, Kermadec Islands region, Tonga, Indonesia(Sumatra, Sulawesi, or Halmahera) Ryukyu Islands region(Japan), the Mariana Islands, Japan(Hokkaido) or Kuril Islands.. There could be other places that are not listed that could be candidates for the next wave of significant seismic activity. As of right now, there is a very high potential for more strong earthquake activity going on in the world any time or day now so far.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
EQ Watch: 3/2-10/22
There is already a lot going on out there. A magnitude 6.6 just struck New Zealand's Kermadec Islands. There is a very high potential so far for more serious earthquake activity going on in the world. There may even be a magnitude 7 or greater taking place somewhere this week or next week. Other places to watch would include: Indonesia(Java, Banda Sea region, New Guinea) Papua New Guinea, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands region, Afghanistan or Pakistan, Iran, Hokkaido - Japan region, Kuril Islands, Aleutian Islands, Mexico(Oaxaca)... There could even be a particularly large earthquake somewhere within the week ahead at this point. So far, it is active. More significant activity is likely on the rise. There is already some significant activity going on.
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Report: 7.2.23
A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...
The significant earthquake activity worldwide is low right now, but that still might change at any time or within the next 5 days so far. Th...
Does anyone here in California ever thoroughly think about when the sh*t hits the fan? I would be watching these big earthquakes strike arou...
So far, there has more of less been much going on in the world in terms of significant EQ activity. There have been more moderate sized ea...