Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Update: July 15, 2020

So far, many moderate sized earthquakes have occurred over the last few days. The biggest so far was a magnitude 5.7 in the Flores Sea region yesterday. The activity seemed to wind back down today. However, the potential for large quakes somewhere anytime now or by the 20th is still extremely high. Regions that could be hit include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, the Banda Sea region), Philippines(Mindanao, Luzon, or Babuyan Islands region), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Northern Mariana Islands, Japan, Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Chile, Bolivia, or Peru, Central America, Aleutian Islands..
As for Southern California, there should be a lot more going on by this weekend. There is a strong chance of mag. 3-4+ anytime now. It should be getting more and more active here soon. There may also be more activity(aftershocks) in Idaho anytime or day now.

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Report: 7.2.23

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