Saturday, June 29, 2019

EQ Watch: June 29-July 13

The chances of more major earthquake activity worldwide any moment now or within the next couple of weeks are extremely high again. It has been becoming more significantly active throughout parts of the world. This may include more dangerous volcanic activity taking place somewhere. Places of concern in terms or significant of large earthquake activity include: Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Central America, Kamchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands, Japan, Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines, New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, the Southwestern Pacific region(Vanuatu, Tonga, the Samoas, Santa Cruz Islands, Fiji), Indonesia, Andaman Islands region, Myanmar(Burma) possibly Western China, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan or Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Southern Greece, and the South Sandwich Islands region..
I'm plan on switching my icon on Twitter to a glowing one whenever it starts to become more significantly active. It will be tricky having to switch it on and off, but I'm taking it to a new level. I would have to have it turned off whenever it seems overall quiet around the world, but suddenly acts up somewhere. I guess I will initially put it on alert mode as it may be becoming more dangerously active as more quakes are firing up around the globe.
Meanwhile, there is a very high chance for more magnitude 3-4+ here in Southern California anytime or day now so far or within the next week. There may also be more taking place along the Pacific Northwest Coast. It may not necessarily be a potentially large event, but there has recently been activity taking place in that region.

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Report: 7.2.23

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