Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 20-21, 2019

I'm now going to get this started. So far, more significant earthquake activity worldwide is increasing again. There is a high potential for a magnitude 7 or larger somewhere any day or moment now. However, it may hold up for another week or two. The areas that may be in danger include: Micronesia/State of Yap area, Mariana Islands region, Philippines(Mindanao), Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea, Flores Sea, Indonesia(Sulawesi, Java, and/or Sumatra), Burma(Myanmar), China(Xizang), Tajikistan region, Hindu Kush region, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Greece, New Zealand(North or South Island), Vanuatu, Loyalty Islands, Tonga region, Solomon Islands, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Central America, Southern Mexico(and/or potentially Baja California), Japan(Hokkaido or Honshu), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska.. Southern California is also due for more magnitude 4 or larger earthquakes once again. Something could happen anytime now. It may also end up delaying for another week or so, but it should not be that much longer. The Sierra Madre Fault could release a magnitude 3 or 4+ anywhere from Glendora to Rialto/Fontana. A tremor could also hit the Devore and Lytle Creek area. The Yucaipa and Banning areas may also be it as well as the High Desert. Most of the activity has been taking place in the Aguanga and Anza areas. There has also been a cluster of small earthquakes down at the Southern shore of the Salton Sea. For now, very little has been taking place here all day. However, it could start getting interesting very quickly. There could also be more activity taking place elsewhere in California as well as Nevada. There has also been more minor earthquakes popping up around parts of the Central and Eastern U.S. most recently. Places around the world I have been paying more attention to most recently are the Mariana Islands, Micronesia, and Bismarck Sea region as well as Central America. There could be a massive tsunamigenic earthquake in either of those places at any time. However, it also may not occur afterall and other places could very well be next. Japan could be having more violent activity anytime now. Eventually, Southern California will have an event where it will be all over the news. We never know. It could spring up on us any day. I will be as vigilant as possible when it comes to this. I have Twitter where I can update when something changes. There will be times where I will not be available. I'm not a bot, so I will not be constantly Tweeting throughout the day 24/7.

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Report: 7.2.23

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