Monday, May 31, 2021

Update: 5/31/21

There was a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in SouthCentral Alaska overnight. It was centered underneath the Talkeetna Mountains. It was around 100 miles Northeast of Anchorage, 27 miles deep. The earthquake was felt from Homer to Fairbanks, and was especially felt strongly in the Mat-Su and Anchorage areas. In Talkeetna, a local described feeling a long rumble, followed by a jolt. Ellen Bets, who lives Northeast of Wasilla said, "It started out gently then grew in magnitude in waves...It lasted more than a minute." There were no immediate reports of damage. There continues to be a high chance for more significant earthquake activity out there. I had a feeling I should have mentioned Alaska being on that list of the places that may become more active when I made the previous post. Other regions to watch would include: Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands(Japan), Izu Islands(Japan), Japan proper, Indonesia(Nias region, Sumatra, Banda and Molucca Seas), Solomon and Santa Cruz Islands, Tonga region, Southern Peru, Northern Chile..

Sunday, May 30, 2021

EQ Watch: 5/30-6/4/21

It was overall quiet around the world throughout this past week in terms of earthquake activity, following a major surge in activity from the previous week. There is now a high chance of more mag. 6 or greater somewhere anytime or day now. It may or may not become active right now, but within the next 5 days, the potential is very high again so far. Places to monitor may include: Taiwan, the Ryukyu Islands region, Iran, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Banda Sea, Molucca Sea region), East Timor, Japan, Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Central America, Colombia... There may be some activity taking place along or off the Pacific Northwest coast. There could also be some more activity occurring across parts of the United States again.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Update: May 22, 2021


The earthquakes that occurred in Southwestern and Northwestern China have left at least 3 people dead and 33 injured. The magnitude 6.1 in the Yunnan province was more fatal(where the 3 deaths occurred) as it was in a more populated area. It also resulted in 28 injuries. Chinese media also reported that 192 homes collapsed and over 20,000 people had to be evacuated from the mountainous areas. Following the larger mag. 7.3 quake, at least two bridges were reported to have collapse and two sections of the highway were destroyed. The epicenter was in Maduo County. At least 5 local residents were reported with minor injuries, with one suffering from a minor concussion after falling out of bed and the other with a fractured ankle while seeking shelter. Later, another strong earthquake occurred in the Fiji region. More moderate earthquakes occurred in other parts of the world. It still may not be over yet.

Friday, May 21, 2021

3rd Update: 5/21/21


A magnitude 7.3 struck Southern Qinghai, China early Saturday. This quake was 10 km(6 miles deep) and 1,000 km(621 miles) North of the mag. 6.1 that struck Yunnan earlier today. USGS physicist Jonathan Tytell said that the agency expects "significant economic losses" and damage from the quake, but that it's centered in a mostly rural area. There were no immediate reports of death. There continues to be a high chance of more serious earthquake activity going on in the world any time now. It is sweltering out there.

2nd Update: 5/21/21


Just one minute after I posted the previous update, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake popped the Yunnan Province of China. One death has already been reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said that the earthquake was centered 10 kilometres(6 miles) below the surface northwest of the city of Dali. The quake caused strong shaking around Dali, but the Chinese news reports showed relatively little damage. There continues to be a lot of significant earthquake activity going on around the world. A magnitude 5.8 also occurred in the Carlsberg Ridge(Indian Ocean).

Update: 5/21/21

There is a lot of activity going on in the world so far. The largest that has occurred over the last day was a magnitude 5.7 in Java, Indonesia. There is an extremely high chance now of mag. 6-7+ within the next 5 days at this point. Regions that may be of concern would include: China(Yunnan or Western areas), Iran, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands region, Tonga, Vanuatu, Peru, Chile, Central America, the Aleutian Islands, Kuril Islands.. Some more earthquakes have been popping up across the U.S. including Western Texas, the New Madrid Seismic Zone area, and Ohio. There has been a small earthquake recorded in the NMSZ everyday over the last 3 days so far. That does not sound serious, but it would be worth being mindful of in case it becomes active again. It is a system that is hard to understand. Some have argued that it could be dying out where a large earthquake will never happen there again, but others are saying it is still possible. It seems like intraplate seismic systems are a slow, steady burning process. Over the years, it seems like the Eastern half of the United States has slowly been becoming more seismically active. That being said, there may also be some more seismic activity warming up in the Western areas of the United States any time or day now. There has been a flare-up with that aftershock sequence in Nevada. There again, is an extremely high potential for large earthquake activity in the world any time or day now so far.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

EQ Watch: 5/20-26/21


At this point, there may or may not be anything significant going on in the world right now. However, there should be a lot going on by the end of this month. I was unsure whether or not I should issue a new watch today. I made one a couple of days ago, but cancelled it after the activity discontinued yesterday. It was showing very little signs of becoming seriously active in the world earlier, but there is a high potential for more mag. 6 or greater within the next 5-6 days somewhere. There may even be a magnitude 7 or greater somewhere within the week ahead. Some of the regions to watch would include: the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region or possibly Italy, Indonesia, Tonga, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands region, East Timor, and/or Central America. There is a very high chance of more serious earthquake activity any time or day now.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Outlook: 5/17/21

The activity around the world has slowed down considerably. There may not be any new significant activity going on anywhere for right now. There is a chance something may go off somewhere anytime now, but as of right now, it is showing no signs of becoming violently active today. It is uncertain whether or not we may go another month without a mag. 7 or larger anywhere. Yet, there is still a decent chance it could heat back up again this week. It can suddenly change 2-5 hours from now. There of course is no telling for sure what is ahead. At this point, it may be relatively quiet for now, but a lot more could start taking place again within the next few days. It may not be over yet. The Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region or Southeastern Europe, the Kuril Islands, the Aleutian Islands, and Central America are places to watch out for. There could be more activity occurring across parts of the United States any time or day now again. It could be quiet today and possibly tomorrow, but at the same time, it could start back up again at any time.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Update: 5/14/21


A magnitude 6.6 struck the Nias region of Indonesia at 23:33 UTC(overnight in Central Daylight Time). There continues to be a high threat of more large earthquakes in the world. This could extend into next week. There may or may not be a magnitude 7 or larger anywhere within the next 5-7 days, but there has been a number of mag. 6+ and there is a very high chance for more. There could also be more volcanic activity going on in certain active regions.

Thursday, May 13, 2021


 I have been carefully trying to set the icons I switch on and off of on Twitter where it does not cause confusion. At the same time, I have been hesitant on explaining what I really mean with each one I use. I have switched it to alert mode just before an increase in moderate to significant earthquake activity in the world. I would then explain that I used it when the general levels of activity around the world were high. The one I normally use when there is not a lot going on is of a fox. When in alert mode, the fox is glowing with red and has an exclamation point above it. The one I use on rare occasions depicts a color-inverted red fox with 3 tails tipped with orange and has 2 exclamation points above it. That is when very strong earthquake activity is taking place or there has been a particularly serious situation is unfolding(regarding an earthquake of course). I have been somewhat sketchy about this because one, it is a chancy thing I have taken on. People would find it rather audacious for earthquake prediction has been declared something impossible, although I'm not one of those claiming to predict said events. These are not predictions I made. I do not know for sure that a big event is imminent somewhere in the world at a certain time and location. However, I am deeply in touch with the energy I take in from the earth where it extends all over the world. I have to pay discreet attention to whatever I'm feeling or sensing deep inside. The stronger the physical feelings, the closer I am to the source of an impending event or events depending on the size. It is tricky distinguishing size from distance. I can mistake a big event potentially happening somewhere in the world far away from here for a small event close by and vice versa. I figured out that when it comes to distant large events, the sensations are more subtle. My energy is higher and I just have a feeling something may be going on somewhere. When it comes to small earthquake activity within 60-100 miles, I feel more acute physical sensations, although large events thousands of miles can cause me some pain beforehand. I may not be a scientist, but I am also a skeptical and down-to-earth person. There is scientific evidence out there that beings can feel certain changes before a rupture in the ground. The energy in the earth is very dynamic. I have been studying this for a decade now. I feel like I know the earth's energy on an intimate level now. There has not been a time where I was completely thrown off guard. I may have had moments where I was preoccupied with something else such as work or family, but I would feel strange inside but didn't give it my foremost attention.

2nd Update: 5/13/21


A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Honshu, Japan an hour and a half ago. It was part of an aftershock sequence, following a mag. 6.8 2 weeks ago and a mag. 7.0 in March. It has been a very active area since the magnitude 9 that struck 10 years ago. There continues to be a lot of activity taking place throughout parts of the world. There is still a very high chance of a magnitude 7 or higher somewhere any time or day now. Other places to watch may include: the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia(Banda Sea region, Halmahera, Sulawesi, Java, or Sumatra), possibly Central Asia(Afghanistan or Pakistan), Central America, Tonga, Peru or Chile, the Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands..

Update: 5/13/21


A magnitude 6.0 struck off the SW coast of Panama just a few hours ago. It was at a depth of 6.2 miles. The USGS said little or no population was exposed to the quake. No tsunami warning has been issued. There continues to be a high threat of major earthquake activity somewhere in the world any time or day now. Regions that could be next may include: Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, the Aleutian Islands... There is also the possibility of more serious activity going on in Central America.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

2nd Update: 5/12/21


It has been a much more active day in terms of earthquake activity in parts of the world. A magnitude 6.7 occurred in the Mid-Indian Ridge earlier and a number of moderate earthquakes have occurred elsewhere such as Peru and Indonesia. The chances of more large earthquake activity somewhere are still very high so far. There was also a magnitude 3.0 in the New Madrid Seismic Zone this morning at 8:40. That was the biggest quake that has occurred there since I moved over here. There were very few micro quakes occurring there most recently. There is the possibility of more taking place there or in other areas of the Central and Eastern U.S. in the coming weeks or days at this point.

Update: 5/12/21

Some more significant earthquake activity has occurred in the world. Yesterday, a magnitude 5.7 struck the Philippines and a magnitude 5.9 struck off the coast of El Salvador overnight. There continues to be a very high chance of major earthquake activity in the world within the week ahead or any time now. It has been far too quiet lately. Regions that may be potential candidates would include: Central America, Peru, Tonga, Loyalty Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Mindanao or Luzon), Indonesia(Sumatra, Kepulauan Mentawai region, Java, Sulawesi, or the Molucca Sea region), Greece or other parts of the Mediterranean or Southeastern Europe, the Kuril Islands, Japan(Hokkaido), Aleutian Islands.. There may be more activity going on in the Contiguous United States outside of the West. There may be something going on in the Central U.S. I'm not necessarily implying something big is imminent, but there has been a lot of earthquakes in parts of Texas and Oklahoma and there could potentially be more going on a little further East. It is uncertain, though. Again, in terms of activity in the world, there is still a very high chance of mag. 6-7+ somewhere any time now within the next 5-7 days.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Updated EQ Watch: 5/10-17/21


It was a very quiet day yesterday when it came to global earthquakes. It is now showing some signs of becoming very active again. There is an extremely high chance of mag. 6-7+ somewhere any time or any day now so far. Regions to look out for would include: The Kuril Islands, Japan(Hokkaido), Kamchatka Peninsula, Northern Mariana Islands(Guam), Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, Philippines(Mindanao), Papua New Guinea, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi), Andaman Islands region, Tajikistan, Pakistan, or Iran, Chile, Peru.. A strong earthquake somewhere anytime within the next 5-7 days is highly likely. There is also more seismic activity occurring across the United States including Texas and Oklahoma. There may also be more activity heating up in parts of the Interior West such as Utah and Idaho. Again, a strong earthquake somewhere in the world is looming. Something may go off any time now. It is due to becoming very active out there.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Update: 5/9/21


The activity around the world may be coming to a halt for right now. There was more significant activity heating up, but now there is not very much going on. There is still a very high potential for a large event somewhere any day now. It may be generally quiet for right now, but it could end up spiking again later on today or tomorrow. There has been more seismic activity occurring in Southern California since yesterday and some activity occurring in other parts of the United States. When it comes to strong earthquake activity worldwide, regions to consider may include: the Gulf of Alaska or Yukon Territory, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Japan(Hokkaido), Indonesia(Kepulauan Mentawai region, Sumatra, Java, or the Banda Sea), Philippines(Mindanao or Batan and Babuyan Islands region), Ryukyu Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Greece/Southeastern Europe, Central Asia(Western China, Afghanistan or Pakistan), Iran..

Friday, May 7, 2021

Update: 5/7/21


A magnitude 6.0 struck West of Macquarie Island. Earlier a magnitude 5.5 occurred in the Atlantic Ocean. The activity around the world is steadily increasing. A couple of significant earthquakes have occurred today so far. There may be even more going on this weekend or next week. There may likely be a lot of significant earthquake activity in the world by next week. A powerful earthquake could strike somewhere this weekend or possibly today/tonight. At the same time, it may be a slow burn - More moderate earthquakes gradually increasing in the world where it escalates into a large event or two somewhere out there. At this point, that is the rate at which it may follow. It could also suddenly surge anytime now or it could lull some more. Other areas to watch might include: Indonesia, Philippines, Japan(Hokkaido), Ryukyu Islands, Kuril Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Chile, Peru, Myanmar, and the Solomon Islands region..

Thursday, May 6, 2021

World EQ Watch: Revised(5/6-16/21)

This may be an extended watch where there is likely to be a lot of significant activity to take place in the world somewhere within the next week, but there may not be that much taking place now or for a couple of days. However, it can still suddenly become very active today or this weekend. At the same time, there could be intervals of a few moderate quakes followed by lulls in overall global activity at this point. There is a decent chance of a magnitude 6 or greater today or tomorrow. However at this point, the most serious activity may not occur until sometime next week. Yet, it can suddenly spike this weekend. Regions that could be potential candidates for the next set of significant activity would include: Indonesia(Kepulauan Mentawai, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Halmahera, Banda Sea region), Molucca Sea region, Philippines(Mindanao), Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Ryuku Islands(Japan), Vanuatu, Tonga region, Japan proper(Hokkaido), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands(Alaska, USA), Alaska proper(Southwestern peninsula region or the Southeastern coastal region), parts of Central Asia(Myanmar, Western China), Peru, or Chile.. Some more seismic activity may be flaring up again in parts of California today and/or tomorrow as well as Western Texas and parts of the Central U.S. today or within the next several days.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

New EQ Watch: 5/6-13/21

I may be posting this a little too early, but there is a chance there could be another flare-up of significant activity in the world any time now. There is an extremely high potential for a large earthquake in the world within the next 5-7 days so far. If it does not become active by Friday, then there may likely be a surge of significant activity in parts of the world by next week. Regions that could be potential hot spots would include: the Andaman and Nicobar Islands region, Indonesia(Sumatra, Kepulauan Mentawai, Sulawesi, Halmahera), Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, Vanuatu, Tonga.. Japan has most recently had a lot of activity including a strong earthquake over the past week. Although, there may not be much else going on there for now, there is still a possibility more could take place off the coast or it could become more active in the Hokkaido region. At this point, I may have made this a little too early. It may or may not become active in parts of the world right now or tomorrow, but at this point, a lot might occur by next week. More activity has started to warm up in Southern California again today. There may be more activity occurring in other parts of California and the U.S.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Update: 5/2/21


There is still a very high potential for major earthquake activity any time or day now. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck Chile overnight and there is now more activity heating up in parts of the world once again. Other areas to watch may include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Banda Sea region), East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Mindanao, Luzon, or the Babuyan Islands region), Iran, Southern Greece, Chile, Peru, Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Kuril Islands, New Zealand, Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji..

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Update: 5/1/21

A magnitude 6.8 occurred off the coast of Northwestern Honshu, Japan on Saturday. It shook buildings 250 miles away in Tokyo and raised the possibilities of landslides near its epicenter. No tsunami alert was issued after the quake, which struck at 10:27 A.M. Japan time. There have been no reports of serious injuries caused by the earthquake. Closer to the epicenter, there were no issues at the Onagawa nuclear station, according to operator Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc. Bullet train services throughout northern Japan were suspended for several hours, but had resumed by late afternoon. There is still a very high potential for more large earthquake activity in the world somewhere. Regions that may be candidates for the next strong earthquake might be: the Andaman Islands region, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, the Banda Sea region), East Timor, Northern Mariana Islands, Ryukyu Islands region, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji, Chile, the South Sandwich Islands region, Central America, the Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, Central Asia(Northern India, Western China, or the Hindu Kush region), possibly Iran.. There is even a high chance of mag. 7 or greater somewhere anytime now within the next 5 days at this point so far.

Report: 7.2.23

  A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...