Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Update: October 6, 2020

 Some more significant EQ activity has started to occur in the world over the last 6 hours. A magnitude 5.9 occurred near the Alaska Peninsula overnight(likely an aftershock from a major quake a few months ago) and a magnitude 6 occurred in the Fiji region about 2 hours ago. It was very deep, though. There may still be more to come anytime now somewhere. At the same time, that could be it for now. A magnitude 7 or greater is due somewhere at any time or any day. However, it could be another week or two before the next major event somewhere out there. Some more seismic activity has heated up in Southern California overnight. There could potentially be more to come today and/or tomorrow. More significant earthquake activity might be on the rise within the coming days or week at this point. It could become quiet again for now, but there is now a high potential for more significant activity very soon. In terms of the rest of the world, the potential candidates for the next significant to large events may include: Myanmar or other parts of Central Asia, the Andaman Islands region, Indonesia, Philippines(Luzon), the Northern Mariana Islands, Greece, Western Turkey, possibly Italy, New Zealand, Central America, Iceland, Chile, Argentina, or Bolivia... It may also be none of these places that could get hit next with significant activity. I did not specify where in Indonesia could be potentially under the gun for the next set of serious activity. Much of Indonesia is very seismically active. There may or may not be more large earthquakes out there anytime now, but there is still a high chance a lot could take place any time or day now or later this week.


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Report: 7.2.23

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