At this point, there is due to be more magnitude 6 or greater occurring worldwide anytime now or sometime within the next 5-6 days at this point. There is even a high chance of another magnitude 7 or larger quake somewhere. Places that could be potential candidates for the next set of significant to potentially large events would include: the Northern Mariana Islands, New Guinea, East Timor, Indonesia(Banda Sea region, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Andaman Islands(Port Blair, India region), Greece(Eastern Mediterranean Sea), Solomon Islands, Tonga, the Samoas, New Zealand, Japan, Kuril Islands, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, the Shetland Islands region, the Queen Charlotte Islands region(the coast of British Columbia/Gulf of Alaska), and even the Aleutian Islands or Alaska Peninsula.. It is possible an even larger event could occur near Sandpoint, AK, but there also may not be much else. There could even be a mag. 8 or higher due somewhere at any time. Right now, there is not that much taking place in the world. There was a magnitude 5.7 in the Tonga region several hours ago. There is just due to be more taking place somewhere out there. More activity has started heating up again in Southern California. Another mag. 3+ quake occurred near the Ludlow area at 2:19. More activity might be on the rise anytime now, this week, and next week. There may also be more activity occurring in other parts of California.