Friday, October 30, 2020

Update: October 30, 2020


A magnitude 6.9 earthquake just struck Greece's Dodecanese Islands, not so far from Istanbul, Turkey. That region is an area of great concern at this point. The Eastern Mediterranean region has been becoming more active recently. This report just came out. There is not a lot of information yet. It has not appeared on the USGS world earthquakes monitor yet. There may still more more significant events occurring elsewhere in the world. There is also more seismic activity warming up in Southern California so far.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Update: October 29, 2020


Yesterday morning, shortly after I made the most recent Watch post, a set of more significant activity occurred up and down the South American coast from Chile to Peru - the largest being magnitude 5.8. However, the global activity started dying down again later on. I'm waking up and it does not look that active right now. However, there should be a lot more taking place anytime now within the next 5 days. A very large earthquake could be taking place somewhere. This has not been a very active month in terms of strong earthquakes around the world. The activity has also decreased in Southern California overnight, but not too much. There just may be something more significant coming up. I will not be surprised if it is less active today, but it should not be staying quiet for a long time at this point. There is still a very high chance of mag. 3-4+ anytime or within the next several days.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

New Watch: Oct. 28 - Nov. 3, 2020


It may be becoming more active in the world again any time now so far. There is now a very high chance of more magnitude 6 or greater worldwide any time now within the week ahead. There could even be a magnitude 7 or greater imminent somewhere. Places that may be of concern would include: East Timor, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Banda Sea or Flores Sea region), Philippines(Luzon), Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Fiji, New Zealand, Northern Mariana Islands region, Japan, Kuril Islands, Aleutian Islands, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Greece, possibly Iran.. There is a very high chance of magnitude 6 or larger somewhere out there any moment or day now within the next 5-7 days. There is also more activity heating up in Southern California once more. There is a high chance of mag. 4+ out here anytime now. There may also be more taking place in Central and Northern California anytime or day now.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Outlook: 10/14/20


There has not been a lot of significant activity taking place in the world over the last day so far. It could very well stay relatively quiet all day or this weekend. However, a strong earthquake may still be imminent somewhere at any time. A lot could take place later this coming week or into the early part of November. There may also be a lot coming up in Southern California as well as other areas of the state. The regions in parts of the world that could be struck next with significant or major activity may include: Southern Greece, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico(SW Mexico or Baja California), Philippines(Luzon), Indonesia(Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Barat Daya region), New Guinea, Tonga, Fiji, Taiwan, Japan, Kuril Islands, Aleutian Islands, possibly the Yukon Territory, Gulf of Alaska, Northern Mariana Islands.. There may or may not be any large quakes taking place today or tomorrow, but there should be much more to come within the week ahead at this point. There is also due to be a lot more to come in Southern California as well as Central California so far.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Update: October 23, 2020


So far, the world EQ map may look somewhat scant, but 2 earthquakes of mag. 6+ have occurred over the past 10 hours. A mag. 6.0 struck the West Chile Rise and then 2 hours later, a magnitude 6.1 occurred South of the Fiji Islands. That does not seem very significant because the West Chile Rise is a remote area and was along a small divergent part of the Nazca and Antarctic plates. The one near the Fiji Islands was far too deep and nowhere near land. At this point, it may go back to being relatively quiet out there in the world for now. However, there is still a high potential for more large earthquake activity going on somewhere within the next several days. There has also been more taking place along parts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. There is the possibility of something going on in Iceland. However, there may not be much significant activity going on anywhere at all yet. The areas of potential concern may include: New Guinea, Indonesia(Kepulauan Barat Daya, Sulawesi, Sumatra), East Timor, Northern Mariana Islands, Peru, Bolivia, the Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand, Greece or possibly other parts of the Mediterranean including Italy... Again, while there is still a high potential for more strong earthquake activity in the world, it could end up becoming quiet again. There has also been more activity increasing in Southern California. There was a flare-up down at the Southern end of the Salton Sea yesterday afternoon and some more happened overnight. There has also been a number of quakes occurring in the Mojave Desert near the town of Barstow.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Oct. 22, 2020

At this point, there is due to be more magnitude 6 or greater occurring worldwide anytime now or sometime within the next 5-6 days at this point. There is even a high chance of another magnitude 7 or larger quake somewhere. Places that could be potential candidates for the next set of significant to potentially large events would include: the Northern Mariana Islands, New Guinea, East Timor, Indonesia(Banda Sea region, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Andaman Islands(Port Blair, India region), Greece(Eastern Mediterranean Sea), Solomon Islands, Tonga, the Samoas, New Zealand, Japan, Kuril Islands, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, the Shetland Islands region, the Queen Charlotte Islands region(the coast of British Columbia/Gulf of Alaska), and even the Aleutian Islands or Alaska Peninsula.. It is possible an even larger event could occur near Sandpoint, AK, but there also may not be much else. There could even be a mag. 8 or higher due somewhere at any time. Right now, there is not that much taking place in the world. There was a magnitude 5.7 in the Tonga region several hours ago. There is just due to be more taking place somewhere out there. More activity has started heating up again in Southern California. Another mag. 3+ quake occurred near the Ludlow area at 2:19. More activity might be on the rise anytime now, this week, and next week. There may also be more activity occurring in other parts of California.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Update: October 21, 2020


A magnitude 5.9 occurred in the Tonga region late yesterday(California time). Some more moderate quakes occurred in parts of the world overnight, including some new activity in Sichuan, China. There has been some more seismic activity warming up in Southern California, but there may be nothing going on here right now. It is due to heat up once more in this area with a high chance of magnitude 4 or greater any time or day now. There is still a very high chance of more mag. 6+ worldwide any time now. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Update: Oct. 20, 2020

 A magnitude 7.5 earthquake occurred near Sandpoint, Alaska yesterday afternoon. The quake generated a small tsunami - 2 waves that were 4 feet, 3 inches high. Yesterday's major earthquake was likely an aftershock of a magnitude 7.8 that hit the same region a few months ago. This has been the first magnitude 7 or greater in the world since. There seems to be not much going on elsewhere worldwide. Although, more mag. 6+ elsewhere are likely this week, anytime or day now. Other potential candidates for the next mag. 6 or greater would include: Chile, Bolivia or Peru, Central America, Indonesia(Banda Sea region, Sumatra), Philippines(Luzon), New Guinea, Tonga, Kermadec Islands, Japan, Kuril Islands, Afghanistan, Prince Edward Islands(Southwest Indian Ridge), Greece.. More seismic activity has also started heating up again in Southern California. Yesterday morning, a magnitude 3.1 occurred in the Mojave Desert, which was an  aftershock of a magnitude 3.6 that occurred the previous evening. A magnitude 3.4 occurred 13 miles Southwest of Ocotillo Wells at 3:30 this morning. There may still be more going on today. There has also been some more activity taking place in Northern California.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Update: Oct. 19, 2020

The global activity is not still low, but there should be more mag. 6+ taking place anytime now. A major earthquake is due somewhere anytime or day now at this point. There is definitely more moderate earthquake activity taking place out there so far. Sumatra, Indonesia looks like it may be becoming more active. Two mag. 5.1 EQs occurred along the coast of Sumatra a few hours ago, each 4 minutes apart. Twins. There may not be that much going on right now, but there should be much more to come at least this week. Regions that may be affected would include: Indonesia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines(Luzon), Tonga, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Japan, Kuril Islands, Greece, Bolivia, Peru, Central America, British Columbia/Gulf of Alaska... I also want to remind the readers that the listed places are potential candidates for the next round of significant EQ activity - Not implying that they will all act up at once. There is also more activity occurring in Southern California as well as other parts of the state. A magnitude 3.5 occurred near Ludlow at 8:34 last night. Some more activity is heating up in the Ridgecrest area as well as with the sequence in Nevada. There may be more taking place in Southern and Central California today. There is a lot more that is due to be taking place in this area.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

New EQ Watch: Oct. 18-25, 2020

I apologize for being flighty with these recent posts I decided to cancel this morning. I was trying to decide whether to issue a watch or not that morning as I was getting ready to leave for work. It has been somewhat hard with my tight schedule. There is now a strong potential for mag. 6-7+ earthquakes worldwide anytime or day now. A magnitude 6 or greater is likely somewhere within the next 3 days. A major earthquake is due somewhere out there. Places that may be under the gun for significant to potentially large earthquake activity include: Parts of Central Asia such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Myanmar, Indonesia(Sumatra, Banda Sea region, Molucca Sea region), Philippines(Luzon), Taiwan, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Northern Mariana Islands, Japan, Kuril Islands, Southern Greece, Central America, the coast of British Columbia or Gulf of Alaska, Bolivia, Peru... There is also a very high chance for mag. 3-4+ in Southern California. There may also be more taking place in Central California and other parts of the Western United States such as Utah, Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming(Yellowstone).

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 I had a feeling it was going to become extremely quiet before much more takes place in the world. It is uncertain how long this will continue. It could stay quiet all week or just for another day or two. At the same time, it could suddenly act up somewhere anytime today. A magnitude 7 or greater could be imminent somewhere anytime now or sometime within the next week. I want to be careful. I don't want to be vague about it and just say that a strong earthquake may occur somewhere any time now or within a given time frame. It seems I could be issuing those watches every week. I should try to specify where the most energy may be coming from. There has been a lot of activity taking place in Central America most recently as well as Greece and parts of Central Asia such as Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and Myanmar. However, I cannot entirely rely on "signs" of where something more serious may be going on. I am also monitoring Northern Chile, Peru, and Bolivia. There does not necessarily have to be numerous earthquakes taking place there to herald that a significant event might happen anytime or day now. I have also been growing increasingly cautious around here, Southern California as well as Central California. Other areas in the world I'm aware of are the Ryukyu Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands, and possibly Taiwan. There may also be more activity going on in Hawaii, especially volcanic-wise. That is not a place I give much attention to as it is in the middle of the Pacific Plate and is situated on a hotspot. Although, there also might not be anything going on there that would be concerning. It may be coming from the West, far across the Pacific. It also feels like most of the energy is far in a Southern direction. Parts of Indonesia such as Sulawesi and Halmahera may also be active again.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Update: 10/8/20

Overnight, there was a magnitude 6.3 in Eastern Papua New Guinea. This region experiences significant earthquakes quite often. There are continuing to be more signs of strong earthquakes out there in the world. It is becoming very active in parts now after it being very quiet over the past few days. There may be some potential concern going on in the Caribbean Sea region or Colombia as it has been more active most recently in those areas. Other places of potential concern would include: the Solomon Islands, Indonesia(Ceram Sea region, Sumatra, Sulawesi), parts of Central Asia such as Afghanistan and Myanmar, the Aleutian Islands, South Sandwich Islands, and Central America.. The activity here in Southern California has dropped considerably. It is becoming very quiet here again after it had been showing signs of becoming more significantly active last week. However, it could end up increasing again today, but at the same time, it may not. There could also be more activity taking place elsewhere in California.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Updated EQ Watch: Oct. 7-15, 2020

It got very quiet again over the past day in terms of significant EQ activity around the world. However, the potential for more strong to major earthquakes anytime now or sometime within the next 5-7 days may just now be increasing again. It could start up today or it may stay relatively quiet for the next few days or perhaps just for today and/or early tomorrow. A magnitude 7 or greater is due somewhere. It should at least happen by the latter part of this month. Regions of potential include: Central America, the Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines(Luzon, Batan Islands region), Indonesia(Halmahera and the Ceram Sea region, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Babar region, Sumatra or Java), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands region, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region, Afghanistan, Andaman Islands region, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, the South Sandwich Islands... There is also the possibility of it becoming significantly active here in Southern California very soon. There has also been more taking place in Central and Northern California most recently as well. More magnitude 4+ may be imminent in Southern California within the coming week at this point. More mag. 4+ may also be occurring in other parts of the state as well as potentially other parts of the Western United States. At this point, it could become quiet for now before much more starts taking place again here in Southern CA. It could still start increasing again any moment now. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Update: October 6, 2020

 Some more significant EQ activity has started to occur in the world over the last 6 hours. A magnitude 5.9 occurred near the Alaska Peninsula overnight(likely an aftershock from a major quake a few months ago) and a magnitude 6 occurred in the Fiji region about 2 hours ago. It was very deep, though. There may still be more to come anytime now somewhere. At the same time, that could be it for now. A magnitude 7 or greater is due somewhere at any time or any day. However, it could be another week or two before the next major event somewhere out there. Some more seismic activity has heated up in Southern California overnight. There could potentially be more to come today and/or tomorrow. More significant earthquake activity might be on the rise within the coming days or week at this point. It could become quiet again for now, but there is now a high potential for more significant activity very soon. In terms of the rest of the world, the potential candidates for the next significant to large events may include: Myanmar or other parts of Central Asia, the Andaman Islands region, Indonesia, Philippines(Luzon), the Northern Mariana Islands, Greece, Western Turkey, possibly Italy, New Zealand, Central America, Iceland, Chile, Argentina, or Bolivia... It may also be none of these places that could get hit next with significant activity. I did not specify where in Indonesia could be potentially under the gun for the next set of serious activity. Much of Indonesia is very seismically active. There may or may not be more large earthquakes out there anytime now, but there is still a high chance a lot could take place any time or day now or later this week.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Update: Oct. 5, 2020

 So far, there has more of less been much going on in the world in terms of significant EQ activity. There have been more moderate sized earthquakes taking place, but there is still yet to be much larger events going on somewhere any time or day now. It could become extremely quiet at first. There may not be anything going on anywhere today or tomorrow and then a large event might occur later this week. At the same time, it may shift today. There is due to be a magnitude 7 or greater taking place somewhere any moment or day now. Within the next week, more mag. 6+ worldwide are expected. Places that may be of potential concern would include: Central America, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Indonesia, the Andaman Islands region, Japan, the Aleutian Islands or Southwestern Alaska, the Kermadec Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Luzon), parts of the Middle East and/or Turkey... Close to home, there is less going on in Southern California now. The swarm has started dying down a lot yesterday and there has not been much going on this morning at all. However, it still could heat up more later. There may also be more mag. 3+ occurring elsewhere in California or the Western U.S.

Saturday, October 3, 2020



Right now, there is an extremely high chance for strong earthquakes worldwide any time now or sometime within the next few days. If it does not start up today, then it will likely be tomorrow or by Tuesday at this point. There is even a high potential for magnitude 7 or greater somewhere. Regions that may be of concern would include: the Andaman Islands region, Indonesia(Sumatra, Kepulauan Babar region, or the Molucca Sea region), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines(Luzon), Japan(Honshu), Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea region... There still may also be more seismic activity heating up in Southern California. There may even be more going on in the Tehachapi area or Ridgecrest. There may also be more mag. 3-4+ aftershocks in Nevada or the Mammoth area of California.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Update: October 1, 2020

A very active earthquake swarm has been taking place in the Brawley Seismic Zone near Westmorland in Southern California since yesterday afternoon. The largest of those earthquakes was a magnitude 4.9 at 5:31 P.M. yesterday. We are all watching it very closely. This swarm has been impressive. According to seismologists, the swarm is not quite close enough to trigger the San Andreas Fault. A larger quake with this swarm is possible. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, a magnitude 6.4 struck near Tonga about 10 hours ago. No damage was reported from residents of Tonga's capital of Nuku'alofa. There was also no risk of a tsunami. A magnitude 6.0 occurred in Papua New Guinea about an hour ago and it was at a much deeper focal depth. There still may be more large earthquake activity on the rise in parts of the world. The Eastern Mediterranean Sea region is still a possible area of concern. There are still other candidates for the next major quake such as Indonesia, the Aleutian Islands, and Central America. Again, the ongoing swarm in Southern California will continued to be monitored. Be prepared. Drop, cover, and hold on whenever you feel a sizeable quake start taking place, especially if the shaking becomes increasingly violent.

Report: 7.2.23

  A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...