Sunday, December 29, 2019

Outlook: Dec. 29, 2019

There is a lot of activity going on in the world right now for sure. However, a major earthquake somewhere in the world may or may not occur today or tomorrow or perhaps even this week. The chances of one at any moment are still great. There is still a very high potential for a possible magnitude 8 or greater somewhere. At this point, there will likely be major earthquake activity any moment now or sometime within the next week or two. Great earthquakes(magnitude 8+) happen in the world at least once a year. At this point, it may be early in 2020 or possibly within the next couple of days.
The Kamchatka Peninsula region and the Western Aleutian Islands could be candidates for an earthquake of magnitude 7 or greater at any time. The coast of British Columbia and the Gulf of Alaska could still possibly having something more serious going on. I'm just now starting to become more concerned about the Pacific Northwest coast(from Northern California to Washington). I'm not necessarily implying that the Cascadia subduction zone is going to rupture right now or very soon, but I am monitoring it just in case. I am aware that a very large earthquake is due somewhere in the world at any moment.
The Southwestern Pacific(Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Loyalty Islands, the Samoas, and the Solomon Islands) could also be a candidate for the next major quake. Halmahera and Java, Indonesia may be having some more serious activity going on any time or day now. East Timor, Papua New Guinea, the Andaman Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands are also candidates. It could also be Hokkaido's turn for a major event any time now or sometime very soon. Central America, Colombia, and possibly the Puerto Rico region are possible areas of concern as well. Greece and/or Western Turkey could be having something more significant.
I also have been paying more attention to Central Asia recently again. As for here(Southern California), there has been more activity heating up so far. Right now, there may be nothing going on, but more magnitude 4 or greater earthquakes are due to take place at any moment. A magnitude 4 or higher could happen somewhere in Southern California today, tomorrow, later this week or next week. We are even due for something more significant within weeks, months, or possibly a few days. I will just have to play it by ear. There could be more mag. 3-4+ in the Ridgecrest area. I have also been growing more concerned about Central California, especially the Parkfield region.
A strong earthquake in the area in the near future may be of a higher possibility. Again, no one can know for sure. It is just an area we may have to be aware of. I think about that in the future and it eventually triggering the Southernmost segment of the SAF here. I'm really just speculating at this point.

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