Sunday, October 6, 2019

Update: Oct. 6, 2019

While there is due to be a major earthquake taking place somewhere in the world any time now, there might not be that much going on for right now. However, it could still very well act up any moment now at least somewhere. There are also no longer any signs of any activity taking place here in Southern California for right now. It may still heat up later today or it may stay quiet even by tomorrow. There still should be a lot more taking place by now. There is still an extremely high potential for magnitude 3-4+ this week. 
There is still also a very high chance of mag. 6-7+ worldwide anytime now or within the next week. Again, it might remain less than particularly active for now. There also may be little taking place at all here in Southern CA, but there still may be more activity heating up again at any moment. Last night when I made my last post, while I was feeling like major quake activity was on the verge of taking place somewhere, there was a sense of doubt that anything serious was going to be taking place yet. I may have switched off my red light on Twitter, but that does not mean that there will be a low risk of large quakes in the world. There still could be something major imminent somewhere at any time.

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