Sunday, August 25, 2019

EQ WATCH: August 25 - September 3, 2019

There is an extremely high potential for magnitude 7 or greater worldwide any moment now or within the next week at this point. There have been some significant earthquakes taking place in parts of the world over the last few days. There is due to be a bigger event any time now. Regions that could be under the gun include: Indonesia, Japan, New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Northern Mariana Islands, Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands(Japan), Japan(Honshu, Hokkaido, or Kyushu), Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, possibly New Zealand, Vanuatu, Tonga, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Andaman Islands, Central Asia(Western China, Tajikistan, Afghanistan), possibly Iran, Turkey, Greece, South Sandwich Islands, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, and/or Central America..
There is also activity taking place in the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge. I often leave out the Oceanic Ridges because they are underwater and remote regions. Divergent boundaries are less threatening when it comes to tsunamis. Convergent underwater boundaries would be much more dangerous as they are the boundaries capable of the largest earthquakes and generate tsunamis. Closer to home, there might be more aftershocks taking place with the Little Lake sequence once more. There is still a very high chance for more activity in Southern California. There could be a magnitude 4 or greater somewhere in Southern CA anytime now within the next week or two. The Greater Los Angeles area could even feel something within the coming week or two or perhaps any day. It could possibly even happen tonight or even minutes to an hour from now. I do not necessarily mean anything significant, so do not be alarmed.
There just could potentially be something felt by many residents somewhere here in Southern California anytime or day now at this point.
There may also be more magnitude 3-4+ elsewhere in California as well as other areas of the West such as Montana and the Yellowstone area.

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Report: 7.2.23

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