Thursday, May 16, 2019

EQ Watch: May 16-21, 2019

So far, there is a very high potential for more large earthquakes somewhere in parts of the world again. A particularly powerful quake could potentially be imminent somewhere anytime now, any day, or within the next few weeks at this point. There may have already been a magnitude 7.5 most recently(New Ireland, Papua New Guinea), but that also may not be it. At the same time, it also very well could be for now and there not being anything magnitude 7 and above at least until next month. Regions to watch closely include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Molucca Sea region), Papua New Guinea, Central America(esp. Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and El Salvador), Philippines, Japan, Northern Mariana Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Solomon Islands, potentially New Zealand(North Island), Myanmar(Burma), China(Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang), Kyrgyzstan region, Tajikistan, Northern India, Afghanistan or Pakistan, Turkey or Southern Greece, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, possibly the Carribean(Puerto Rico, Haiti, or perhaps the Barbados or Caymen Islands), Aleutian Islands, and Kuril Islands.
As far as earthquake activity in Southern California goes, magnitude 4 or greater anytime now or within the next week are highly likely. There has not been anything of magnitude 4 and above in this region in a while. Something more significant could be upon us within that time frame of 2 weeks if not any day now. It seems like nothing ever changes here, but it will happen eventually. It shouldn't be that much longer. There could also be more seismic activity increasing in other parts of California and/or the Western U.S. such as the Yellowstone area.

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Report: 7.2.23

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