More significant activity is on the rise in parts of the world. The largest quake over the past 24 hours was a magnitude 5.9 in the western Indian-Antarctic Ridge. There is still a very high chance of magnitude 6 or greater somewhere any time or day now so far. Other areas that could be under the gun would include: Philippines(Mindanao, Batan Islands region), Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Japan(Hokkaido), Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Laos, Indonesia, Tonga, Fiji, Kermadec Islands, Loyalty Islands, Pakistan, Peru, Chile, or Colombia.. The activity on this side of the country is interesting. There has not been any newly recorded events coming up today so far(except in eastern Canada), but there has very recently been a line going from western Texas to eastern Canada. It looks like it is cutting into the Saint Lawrence Seaway, into the St. Lawrence River, down into the Great Lakes and so on. Then there is the New Madrid Seismic Zone where there has been 20-odd earthquakes recorded there over the last month - the biggest being a 2.8. There has also been more earthquakes popping up in the Southeast - Eastern TN/Western NC and South Carolina. I'm not suggesting that a new tectonic plate might be forming on this side of the country, although that isn't impossible. I'm just examining what has been going on in the Eastern Seaboard now that I currently live here. Again, there is a very high potential for large earthquake activity in the world within the week ahead so far.
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Update: 10/30/21
More significant activity is on the rise in parts of the world. The largest quake over the past 24 hours was a magnitude 5.9 in the western Indian-Antarctic Ridge. There is still a very high chance of magnitude 6 or greater somewhere any time or day now so far. Other areas that could be under the gun would include: Philippines(Mindanao, Batan Islands region), Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Japan(Hokkaido), Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Laos, Indonesia, Tonga, Fiji, Kermadec Islands, Loyalty Islands, Pakistan, Peru, Chile, or Colombia.. The activity on this side of the country is interesting. There has not been any newly recorded events coming up today so far(except in eastern Canada), but there has very recently been a line going from western Texas to eastern Canada. It looks like it is cutting into the Saint Lawrence Seaway, into the St. Lawrence River, down into the Great Lakes and so on. Then there is the New Madrid Seismic Zone where there has been 20-odd earthquakes recorded there over the last month - the biggest being a 2.8. There has also been more earthquakes popping up in the Southeast - Eastern TN/Western NC and South Carolina. I'm not suggesting that a new tectonic plate might be forming on this side of the country, although that isn't impossible. I'm just examining what has been going on in the Eastern Seaboard now that I currently live here. Again, there is a very high potential for large earthquake activity in the world within the week ahead so far.
Friday, October 29, 2021
EQ Watch: 10/30-11/6/21
There is now more significant earthquake activity on the rise in the world again. A magnitude 6 or greater within the week ahead is likely so far. A magnitude 5.7(Kermadec Islands region) and a magnitude 5.2(Peru) have occurred less than an hour apart. There could even be a magnitude 7+ somewhere within the next 7 days at this point. Regions in the world to watch would include: the Aleutian Islands(Alaska, USA), Central America, Papua New Guinea, the Northern Mariana Islands region, Japan, Indonesia(Sumatra, Java, Banda Sea region), Philippines(Mindanao), Micronesia, possibly Italy, and parts of the Southwestern Pacific Ring of Fire.. Meanwhile, more seismic activity has been on the rise in various parts of the United States. There has been more activity going on in Central California and parts of the Rockies. There has also been more activity flaring up in parts of Texas and even the Southeast, particularly in South Carolina most recently. Five very small quakes have occurred near the town of Jenkinsville, SC over the last 5 days- the largest being magnitude 2.2. Again, there is a very high potential for more strong earthquake activity in the world any time now or within the coming week so far. At the same time, it could fall quiet within these next several days before it fires back up.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Update: 10/19/21
Hours ago, a magnitude 5.9 tremor occurred off the coast of Greece. This was only a week after a damaging magnitude 6.4 hit Crete. The epicenter of the most recent quake is believed to be close to the Dodecanese Island of Rhodes. Witnesses reported feeling rooms "sway side to side" and seeing beds and other furniture moving. The activity in other parts of the world is probably winding back down for now. There may still be more going on this week, but for now, it may become quiet. That is what may be going on at this point. It can also end up changing later on.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Update: 10/18/21
A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck the Vanuatu region hours ago. There was no threat of a tsunami. There continues to be more activity on the rise in parts of the world. Meanwhile, an earthquake in Bali has killed 3 people and it was not even a large earthquake. Dozens of homes were reported to have been destroyed. Apart from the 3 confirmed deaths, at least seven people were reported to have sustained head injuries and broken bones. The quake also triggered landslides in some areas. There is still a very high potential for more strong earthquake activity somewhere in the world. Other regions to watch may include: Myanmar, Northern India(or other parts of Central Asia), the Hokkaido, Japan region, Kuril Islands, Indonesia(Java, the Banda Sea region, Molucca Sea), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji region, Central America or parts of the Caribbean or Colombia..
Saturday, October 16, 2021
New EQ Watch: 10/16-22/21
The activity around the world is increasing again so far. There is a very high potential for more strong earthquake activity somewhere out there any time or day now within the week ahead so far. At this point, there could be more moderate to potentially large EQs in the world, but could occur days apart instead of all in one or 2-3 days. At the same time, a lot could still happen in a short amount of time. Regions to look out for may include: Indonesia(Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, Kepulauan Babar, the Molucca Sea or Banda Sea region), Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Kuril Islands, Japan(Hokkaido), Iran, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, the Kermadec Islands, Chile.. Some more activity has also started occurring throughout parts of the U.S. again including California, Nevada, Idaho, Western Texas, and even the Central U.S. So far, more mag. 6+ may be on the rise in the world again any time or day now so far. I will provide updates here and on Twitter.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Outlook: 10/13/21
It has been a very active last 5 days. There could still be some more moderate to potentially significant activity going on in the world anytime now, but it could be relatively quiet until next week. Although another earthquake of mag. 6+ or in the upper magnitude 5 range is possible today or this week, it could be winding down for now. There is still the possibility of it being active somewhere now, but it may be over for now. The next surge in global activity may not be for another week or two at this point. In the meantime, there may be more moderate earthquakes in certain areas or in mid-ocean ridges. There has been very low levels of activity throughout most of the United States. However, there could be more going on again any time now this week and/or next week. At the same time, it still may become more active somewhere anytime now or this week.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Update: 10/12/21
A strong magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Crete(Greece) 3 weeks after another one killed one person and damaged hundreds of buildings. The Geodynamic Institute in Athens said the undersea earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 and occurred at 12:24 p.m. local time off the Island's eastern coast. It was felt as far as the coast of Turkey and the Island of Cyprus, more than 500 kilometer(310 miles) to the east, authorities said. This was the second significant temblor in a month. On September 27, a magnitude 5.8 struck the same region. A man was killed while carrying out restoration work at a church that was damaged in the area. Residents whose homes were damaged were moved to hotels and tents set up by the army. There have been no reports of serious damage or injuries from this most recent quake despite the fact that it was strong and occurred at a shallow depth.
Monday, October 11, 2021
Update: 10/11/21
A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck the Alaska peninsula earlier this morning. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was no threat of a tsunami after the earthquake. The quake was upgraded from a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 and had a depth of 31.6 miles. There were no reports of injuries or damage following the event. Yesterday, there were two strong earthquakes just off of Hawaii's Big Island. The first quake was magnitude 6.1 and the second was magnitude of 6.2. There was no threat of a tsunami. The Hawaii Department of Transportation said that there was no damage from the earthquake at airport runways, commercial harbors, or highway bridges. At a gas station in Naalehu, the refrigerator display doors were swung open and items fell onto the floor. There continues to be high levels of seismic activity in throughout the world. The potential for more significant earthquakes somewhere out there in the world any time now or within the next 2 days is still high so far. Other places that may be potentially active include Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Southwestern Pacific(Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga), Japan, Kuril Islands, Chile, or Peru.. It has not been very active in the Continental U.S. over the past 2-3 days. There have not been any new small quakes reported in the New Madrid Seismic Zone or in Eastern TN/Appalachian Mountains over the past several days. There has been no activity going on in Western Texas and there has not been very much going on in California either. I'm not sure what could be next. It has not felt like anything interesting happening anywhere in the States. Perhaps there may be more noticeable activity taking place in parts of the Rockies or Eastern CA/Nevada anytime now. There could be more activity occurring in the Central and/or Eastern U.S. anytime this week. It has overall felt like more or less of the same. There is no telling whether something significant could be going on in this part of the country in the near future. It is possible for something widely felt to happen in the Central U.S. or in Appalachians, but intraplate earthquake zones are not easy to understand. I will be having to do more research on this in another post.
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Update: 10/9/21
A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the Vanuatu region a few hours ago. No tsunami warning was issued. This was likely an aftershock from the magnitude 7.2 a week ago. There still may be more strong earthquake activity going on in the world anytime now or within the next several days so far. Other regions to watch may include: Iran, Myanmar, the Andaman Islands region, Indonesia(the Banda Sea region), East Timor, New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Luzon), Japan, Kuril Islands, Aleutian Islands, Southern Peru, Bolivia, or Chile, and the Southwest Pacific..
Friday, October 8, 2021
Updated EQ Watch: 10/8-13/21
There was a magnitude 6.1 in the Macquarie Island region yesterday. It may have slowed down some for now, but there is still a high potential for more significant activity in the world anytime this weekend or early next week so far. At the point, my next post will be an outlook for the month. It may become quiet after this. Again, this is not to be written in stone. It can change. Regions that could be active any time now might include: Myanmar, Andaman Islands region, Nias(Indonesia), Sumatra(Indonesia), Molucca Sea region, Papua New Guinea, Philippines(Luzon), Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands.. Most of the energy is coming from the Eastern Hemisphere or Western Pacific Plate. Although there still could be something going in in South or Central America, it feels like most of the energy is coming from that direction. There have been significantly more earthquakes going on in those regions.
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Update: 10/7/21
Instead of making a post immediately the next morning following an earthquake somewhere, it would be wiser for me to wait and process everything else going on in the world. After I deliver the news of the aftermath, I also scope what else could be going on out there in the world. It was not feeling immediately active out there earlier this morning, but that changed about an hour or two later. The magnitude 5.9 that struck southwestern Pakistan early Thursday morning has claimed the lives of 20 people. There has also been significant damage to structures in the area. Officials fear that the death toll may rise. There is still a very high potential for more strong earthquake activity in the world anytime or day now. This could extend into the weekend and early next week. A magnitude 5.9 occurred east of Tokyo, Japan several hours ago. The shaking was estimated to be a VI on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale according to reports coming out of the area. It came up as code green on the pager which means that casualties and damage are unlikely. The structures in this region are resistant to earthquake shaking, though some vulnerable structures exist. On the other hand, the earthquake that struck Pakistan was of the same magnitude, yet it had an intensity rating of VII and the overall structures are extremely vulnerable to earthquake shaking. The pager came up as green likely due to the affected region being sparsely populated. Other regions that could be candidates for the next significant or major earthquake may include: Papua New Guinea, Indonesia(Sumbawa region, Java, Sumatra, or Nias), the Myanmar region, Philippines(Luzon), New Zealand, Peru, Argentina, Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands.. Some more seismic activity has occurred in the Sierra Nevada region of California as well as Nevada and a couple of Rocky Mountain States. There has also been some more small quakes popping up across parts of Texas and Oklahoma. There are still signs of some activity taking place in the Central and Eastern side of the country. One micro earthquake was recorded in the New Madrid Seismic Zone early this morning. I will be monitoring this side of the country more thoroughly. It is unclear what could be going on, but it has seemed a little more active most recently. Around 50 quakes have been recorded in the Central and Eastern U.S. over the past month. I may recall the number being a little lower the month prior to the latest. 29 earthquakes have been recorded in the New Madrid region over the past month, 12 in Eastern TN/Appalachian region, around 11 throughout parts of Arkansas(leaning towards the northeastern corner of the state towards New Madrid), one in southeastern Illinois, one in Virginia, 3 in the Northeast, and 3 near Charleston, SC(Charleston was once devastated by a major earthquake in 1886). I will be watching this side of the country more consistently. Other than that, I will also be monitoring the rest of the world and the potential for more significant EQ activity going on somewhere is still very high.
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Update: 10/6/21
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake was reported near Harnai, Pakistan. It was at 3:01 a.m. local time on October 7th. This quake occurred overnight when most residents were asleep in bed. People there were woken by it and frightened. I'm observing the Twitter feed for additional news on it. So far, no scenes or footage of damage there have come out. There is still a very high potential for more significant earthquake activity in the world this week. The other day, a magnitude 6.3 struck the South Sandwich Islands which was part of the massive sequence that occurred over a month ago. Other potential regions that could be active may include: Japan, the Kuril Islands, Ryukyu Islands(Japan), Taiwan, Philippines(Batan and Babuyan Islands region, Luzon), Bonin Islands(Japan), Indonesia(Banda Sea region), Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iran, Fiji, the Samoas, Tonga.. Some more small earthquakes have occurred in parts of the Central and Eastern United States over the last day. There may be even more going on within the week ahead. There may also be more activity going on in parts of Nevada, Eastern California, Idaho, and Utah. There again is still a high potential for more strong earthquake activity somewhere in the world this week so far.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Update: 10/2/21
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck near Vanuatu some hours ago. No tsunami warning was issued. There were also no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake. There may still be more significant activity going on out there. Other regions to watch may include the Aleutian Islands, Izu or Bonin Islands(Japan), Philippines(Luzon or the Batan and Babuyan Islands region), Indonesia(Banda Sea region), Papua New Guinea, Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia(State of Yap), Fiji region, Bolivia, Peru, Myanmar region...
Friday, October 1, 2021
EQ Watch: 10/1-8/21
The potential for more strong earthquake activity in the world within the week ahead is very high again so far. It may not be very active out there yet, but more mag. 6+ anytime within the next 6-8 days is of a very high chance. Regions to watch may include: Myanmar, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Aleutian Islands(Alaska), Northern Mariana Islands, Philippines(Luzon, Batan Islands, Babuyan Islands), Indonesia(the Babar Islands region, Sumbawa, Java), Micronesia, Bonin Islands(Japan), Bolivia, Peru... There may or may not be anything significant going on anywhere today, but there is a very high chance of it becoming active somewhere out there anytime or day now so far. More seismic activity could be heating up across parts of the United States including parts of California, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. More seismic activity increasing in the Central and/or Eastern United States anytime or day now within the coming week or two is also possible.
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Report: 7.2.23
A magnitude 6.9 struck the Tonga region earlier. There was no tsunami danger for the US west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska, the US T...
The significant earthquake activity worldwide is low right now, but that still might change at any time or within the next 5 days so far. Th...
Does anyone here in California ever thoroughly think about when the sh*t hits the fan? I would be watching these big earthquakes strike arou...
So far, there has more of less been much going on in the world in terms of significant EQ activity. There have been more moderate sized ea...